A dispute at the official forums. After trying to resolve it with the moderators, I got fed up and requested that my account and all posts be deleted. My account was deleted, but my posts are all still there. I simply want the posts deleted and some sort of assurance that it would not affect my ability to play CDPR or GOG games.
I contacted Marcin Mormot about the matter, but I've never received any reply or acknowledgement. I'm not seeking anything now but the removal of my posts. I'm not asking for any sort of apology or sanction against anyone involved in the argument, because I do understand that reasonable people can disagree on controversial topics. I would simply like the same courtesy extended to me as has been extended to others on the Witcher Board. They have frequently removed posts at the request of posters when they came to regret some ill thought out words.
I'm not apologetic or embarrassed about my posts, though. I simply objected to the way my last post was singled out, spoiler tagged, and buried under a bold red lettered reproach from a moderator who did not even have the courtesy of identifying him or herself. There is supposedly a blanket rule against the discussion of political topics, yet political discussion goes on incessantly with no intervention or cautions from the moderators. Only when I entered the discussion did it become an issue. I objected to being singled out and things deteriorated from there.
I've been nothing but a constructive member both here and at the official boards. I have the same user name there as here, so I invite you to go see for yourself. I think a fairly trivial situation was blown way out of proportion, and am willing to acknowledge that I should have been less provocative, but unfortunately I seem to be the only one trying to get this resolved, and while I'm willing to acknowledge my own part in the problem, I did not create this problem alone, and I'm really disappointed that no one at CDPR will even listen to me.
I'm just trying to get the issue resolved, but, as it is, I don't know who else to address the issue to. That's why I thought I'd at least attempt to contact Marcin Iwinski, since no one else seems to care and this experience has really alienated me from CDPR, a company I have held in the highest regard until now.