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You might have heard that the guys at Stainless Games have been trying to Carmageddon + the Splat Pack if you back the Kickstarter project for $25 or more!

In case you aren’t aware of what Carmageddon is, let’s take you a brief tour of gaming history. It’s the late nineties, and Stainless Software Ltd. brings a game that bursts onto the scene in a spray of blood, a crash of steel, and a anguished shriek of pedestrians when they released Carmageddon. It’s an ultra-violent racing game--this is not one for the kiddies!--where you crash, rend, crush, crumple, and demolish your way to victory. There’s a backstory of sorts--the world has gone to pot, and you’re racing in order to survive in a car-eat-car world--but that’s not the point.

Your job is to win races. Sure, you could play the game like a realistic racing simulator, avoiding any fender-benders and pedestrians. You can even win all of the races that way if you’re talented. But the real fun comes from pulling wild stunts, wrecking and collecting your opponents’ cars, and generally wreaking havoc on the track. Carmageddon launched amidst a lot of controversy due to its violent nature, but under the gore and impressive 3dFX graphics lies a great game.

This will be coming to in the upcoming months--our crack team of contentologists is hard at work getting all of the bytes dusted off and all of the graphics buffed to a high shine--and will be available here for $9.99. In the meantime, though, if you want to help make the next Carmageddon game happen, you can back it on Kickstarter, and if you chip in more than $25, you’ll get the copy of Carmageddon for free once we’ve gotten it launched!

Gentlemen, start your engines!
Yeah, baby! Yeah!
Hell Freaking Yeah !

Now that's an awesome news ! :D

I was hesitating, "how much am I gonna pledge ?", now I know : at least $25 ! :D


Now Good Old Games I have a question...

Sales Curve Interactive (SCi, aka "SCi Games Ltd"), was the publisher of Stainless Games, and published Carmageddon I and II. Interplay was just the US distributor.

SCi later bought Eidos, and later renamed itself Eidos.

Then Square Enix bought (new) Eidos.

Then, Stainless Games bought back the entire rights on the Carmageddon IP.

RPS: Is there any scope to re-release the original games too, or is that tied up in whatever’s left of SCI?

Neil Barnden: We go round and round with the discussion on this one. We do own everything, so if we want to we can – we absolutely own the rights to all the previous code, even the stuff that’s Carmageddon-related that we didn’t work on ourselves. It’s all ours.

But I think because it’s so easy to go online and find a copy of Carmageddon from a warez site or whatever, it doesn’t feel to us like there’d be an awful lot of point in just rereleasing the originals.

We had talked about it, but on our website now we’ve got guys talking about how to get it running on Windows 7, various patches which make it look nicer and high-res, so rather than try and shut them down and go after the people distributing the game, we just thought we’ve got to embrace that and let ‘em have it.

They can do with it what they want, because there’s been a really loyal, core modding community who’ve continued to put stuff out for the games. They’re still going.

RPS: And they’re keeping the name alive, which must be so valuable when you’ve got a new one coming out?

Neil Barnden: That’s right. So, our aim is to concentrate on the new one and let the guys discuss getting the best out of the old ones openly on the forums.
The interview was published the July 25th, 2011.

Of course we can yaar the Carmageddon games... but having a secured, legal, updated, tested, always available, installer on is just too useful to be passed on. If I ever want to throw a quick LAN session with some friends, is the way to go.

So Stainless Games made a deal with you (GOG), so you now have a publishing deal for Carmageddon I. Apparently, Stainless Games owns the publishing right on Carmageddon II too.

=> Are we going to see Carmageddon II on GOG in the near future ?

I want to play the game featured in that awesome video from 2006 :)
Post edited May 26, 2012 by Klem
I am so happy to hear this,finally pleged over at kickstarter! I love carmaggedon,i still have the originals in box but i lost the cd from the first one i guess.
Never played this game series, so I'm looking forward to checking it out whenever it gets released here. It's definitely a nice PR move by GOG to tie themselves into Stainless's kickstarter that way. I'm not sure whether I'm going to bother to pledge though. *shrug*
I've summarised the second AMA here for those interested:
I came across this on the Stainless Games site that might be of interest.....

The making of carmageddon article from Edge Magazine:
Wow, the counter went from $34k+ yesterday to $37k+ now, and 540 GOG backers in 1 day.

Good job everyone, seems this one is in the hat already. :o)
Strijkbout: Wow, the counter went from $34k+ yesterday to $37k+ now, and 540 GOG backers in 1 day.

Good job everyone, seems this one is in the hat already. :o)
An even bigger win for the world would be the $600,000 stretch goal which is a somewhat tougher challenge ;)

That then would get us C:R on Mac and Linux - and more importantly makes it very likely all subsequent games on their engine would also be released on those platforms given the hard work of porting the technology would already be done (Nobby confirmed this in the last AMA).
jimbob0i0: An even bigger win for the world would be the $600,000 stretch goal which is a somewhat tougher challenge ;)
That would be a very hard to reach goal, unless they get some donations by filantropic millionaires.
And doubling the goal also seems much for just porting, I would almost think they set it that high because they don't really want to do it.

Lol, I just realized I got the numbers wrong, must be $340k+ and $370k+. =D
Post edited May 26, 2012 by Strijkbout
jimbob0i0: An even bigger win for the world would be the $600,000 stretch goal which is a somewhat tougher challenge ;)
Strijkbout: That would be a very hard to reach goal, unless they get some donations by filantropic millionaires.
And doubling the goal also seems much for just porting, I would almost think they set it that high because they don't really want to do it.

Lol, I just realized I got the numbers wrong, must be $340k+ and $370k+. =D
They've estimated a little over $200,000 to port their technology..... and then rounded down to that... Converted at current exchange rates: £127,677.23 - note this does not factor in loss due to tax, kickstarter cut, etc

Assuming something like £500 per developer per day (not an unusual figure to work from... I work with similar figures at my place) that's around 300 man days (assuming not doing pairing... half that if they do a pair development setup) ... this also doesn't factor in increased complexity of QA (testing on Mac and Linux as well as Windows), build and automated testing environments for these and all the other associated stuff....

It soon adds up - it really does!

On the bright side the stretch goal will include any paypal donations after the Kickstarter phase is over....
If you pledge $30+ you get 2 copies of the game when it comes out, does that also mean you get 2 GOG copies too?
MickiMatsu: Yesss, I've been waiting for this, along with Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, and Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2, I really have every game I could possibly have been asking for on here :D

Excellent news..!
Definitely worth it going for the $25 pledge over at the Carmageddon: Reincarnation kickstarter page though, since you'd get the new game along with the two old ones, that's insanely cheap..!
tejozaszaszas: No, no. Only the first one and its expansion, you don´t get the second one.
Late reply, but I was merely referring to 2 games when I simply meant the original game and its expansion, although, I am certain that Carmageddon 2 is being planned to be released here eventually, although I don't know if they'd include that with their kickstarter deal... Not that it matter, I'd probably get it separately regardless..!
Post edited May 26, 2012 by MickiMatsu
I love You GOG for this relase! Wheels and blood... And cars, of course;)
$9.99 is too much, I'll wait for the holiday sale.
Goblox: If you pledge $30+ you get 2 copies of the game when it comes out, does that also mean you get 2 GOG copies too?
You mean one to gift, or something?

From the Reddit AMA:

Q: I was happy to hear about Carma 1 and the splat pack being made available but what about Carma 2? I loved Carma 2. Is there a chance it will be made available on as well?
A: We're talking to about our back catalogue... (DaveH_SG)
Post edited May 26, 2012 by tfishell