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I had a lot of fun participating, and actually won a prize! Great contests, I look forward to the next one.
I wanna see the pretty ships!
And I also really enjoyed this contest. Trying to craft that perfect shot was a lot of fun, even though I never managed to get it exactly as I wanted it. I kinda ended up liking the effect I got though. :-)
There should be more like this!
Curunauth: I wanna see the pretty ships!

I second that. I don't really care if one of mine made it, I want to see what everyone came up with.
Take your time with picking the winners, but give us a show off.
Sorry it took so long and thanks for your patience. We've finally chosen the 3 winning screenshots from the DarkStar One showoff contest.
The free game coupons goes to: Curunauth, Wesker and tomc974. The awarded screenshots are attached to this post.
Congratulations to the winners (check your mailboxes for the codes) and thanks to all for participating! Next contests coming really soon :)
curunauth.jpg (394 Kb)
tomc974.jpg (303 Kb)
wesker.jpg (66 Kb)
Wow, I won !
I had a great time shooting my ship for hours but I really didn't expect to win.
Anyway, already spent my coupon on King's Bounty: The Legend :-)
Thanks to GOG Team and their awesome jury ;-)
Congrats, guys! Those are some pretty amazing shots. I can see why you won.
Now that the contest's over, lets all share our entries. Here's mine.
1.jpg (417 Kb)
Cook: We've finally chosen the 3 winning screenshots from the DarkStar One showoff contest.

Wesker's is pretty epic. If you flip it upside down it makes a pretty mean face out of the ship & sun combo.
Alright, here are my entries.
, [url=]2, , [url=]4, , [url=]6, , [url=]8, , [url=]10 and 11
Post edited August 04, 2010 by Siannah
I spent so long on that shot (about half of it trying and failing to reproduce it but about 2 lengths back, so I could catch the actual explosion in the shot . . . I got a ton that look sweet but the ship is a third that size or smaller :-/ ), so glad it paid off. :-D
(The hardest bit is that flight path of the cinematic varies [I think because the Thul Cruiser rolls randomly during the explosion sequence]. It's way worse on the over-the-top pass because that's further out.)
@tomc974, NICE shot - I had no idea they were using real nebulae, I'd never noticed the Horsehead before! Also, the sharp, menacing spore cannons are a perfect choice.
@Wesker: Nice dramatic lighting! Navagon's right, it makes a neat face, and I'd be pretty scared seeing that diving at me out of a sun!!
@Siannah: I like the explosion one (#2) - I considered using one where I towed those crates to the station and blew them up there. ;-) [Didn't get any as nicely timed and framed as yours though!]
Things learned: a) the station is completely immune to damage, despite having shield and hull bars; b) you don't get in trouble for wiping out every commercial ship, their escorts, a couple taxis, cargo-carrying drones, and a police ship, so long as you do it indirectly with huge bombs. >:-)
What are folks' stats? Mine is 0-10-0; I tried to get my 0-3-0 through the whole game, but I could not keep Hornblower alive at diff 5, so I jumped to max guns [I don't like turrets :-P]. At Mil Mk 2, Secret Service graviton guns have an out-of-line damage/energy bump, hence not using the cooler-looking spore cannons, which have top ratios later. I've left my plas gun at level 1, so I can try out any of the upgrade paths for a given mission. I'm kinda silly that way. :-D
Other fun things discovered during the hunt: You can position your ship such that it gets bumped into a dock during an in-engine cutscene (eg at the research stations), and it will go right to launch like it does any time you dock without permission. If the cutscene is long, you get control back early! Relatedly, you can dock with the Thul Cruiser, in both cloaked and uncloaked states - this causes you to fail the mission, so the game displays the launching view but stops before it spawns your ship in the hangar.
I've attached my favorite shots that I didn't submit. One running out of the explosion, one charging in above the ship as it starts to go boom, with some combat in the background.
And again, thanks to GOG for this contest! Being encouraged to get creative with our games is a lot of fun, and it would be neat to see more of this sort of thing in the future. :-)
Post edited August 04, 2010 by Curunauth
Curunauth: @Siannah: I like the explosion one (#2) - I considered using one where I towed those crates to the station and blew them up there. ;-) [Didn't get any as nicely timed and framed as yours though!]

Believe me, I took my sweet time retrying that mission, mashing that screenshot button for this shot. And yes, a blink of an eye later my ship was bits and pieces. :) Shame though, that the other guard ships blowing up aren't really visible.
As for stats, I've gone 10-3-7. I like turrets :). Mostly they'll almost done shredding enemies, once they'll appear in my view.
Curunauth: @Siannah: I like the explosion one (#2) - I considered using one where I towed those crates to the station and blew them up there. ;-) [Didn't get any as nicely timed and framed as yours though!]
Siannah: Believe me, I took my sweet time retrying that mission, mashing that screenshot button for this shot. And yes, a blink of an eye later my ship was bits and pieces. :) Shame though, that the other guard ships blowing up aren't really visible.
As for stats, I've gone 10-3-7. I like turrets :). Mostly they'll almost done shredding enemies, once they'll appear in my view.

I think I'm just bad at turret management; in most games where something like that is an option, they kill off the less threatening enemies with whom I want a fun, low-risk dogfight, and in major combats it seems like half the time they're blowing through energy attacking who knows what and I don't have enough power to take down the big guy when I finally get him in my sights. Not having any engine upgrades makes that latter problem more severe, since no charge bonuses. >.<
Perhaps I should do another playthrough and upgrade all the way, or just change up and do all turrets. I suppose being able to fly around capships focusing on avoiding fire while the turrets pound away would make for a fun playstyle . . . . hrm.
Re: pounding screenshot - the fact that DSO doesn't allow you to customize the screenshot button was so irritating, but I eventually figured out that I could make PrntSc an assigned keystroke on my mouse by using macros (won't capture for normal keystroke assign either). Without that there's no way I could have caught my shots . . . that's probably the most inconvenient standard key and therefore one of the more important to have remappable, but it's among the most likely to not be part of the config.
Curunauth: @tomc974, NICE shot - I had no idea they were using real nebulae, I'd never noticed the Horsehead before! Also, the sharp, menacing spore cannons are a perfect choice.

Thanks ! If I remember correctly I took the screenshot in one of the last two clusters.
I notice in the game two well-known nebula : Orion Nebula and Horsehead Nebula.
There may be more...
As for my ship, it was 8-8-7. I think in Darkstar One turrets are really great. Most enemies were killed even before I could have them in my target. Next time I'll play the game I will for sure max turrets out.
I won! (dances for joy and nearly send his vessel through an asteroid field. Oups... Back at the keep...)
Curunauth: @Wesker: Nice dramatic lighting! Navagon's right, it makes a neat face, and I'd be pretty scared seeing that diving at me out of a sun!!

Thank you! Actually, she's headed toward the star. I took the picture at the end of the campaign and thought it fitted well with the image of a (space) cowboy riding to the setting sun at the end of a western movie.
I used a hull 7, wings 10, engine 3 ship. Bad choice, the power drain from the weapons is tremendous and the engines lag behind, leaving me vulnerable. I wonder if Tsunami's ship inflict damage on opponents that get too close to the rear? Aren't there laws against a cruiser's engine installed on a fighter? :)