OldFatGuy: Heh, well, promises, promises. Meh, he's young, and got better things to do than hang out with his old fat uncle anyway.
My mother wanted to go to Wal-Mart today. It's about a 35 minute drive. So while there, since no nephew is coming, I purchased a digital camera.
Got home.
On the very back of the package, at the very bottom of the package, is this little, teeny, white box that says "SD card required. Not included."
And I'm not driving all the way back there just for that.
Frustrating. I so hate this world today. Companies needn't worry one little bit about consumers needs. As long as consumers will buy buy buy no matter how they hid details, no matter how restrictive their DRM, no matter how poor their customer service is, doesn't matter. And, therefore, that's the kind of service EVERYBODY gets becasue so many others just don't give a shit.
This camera is going back for a refund. Next time I'm headed that way again.
I'll either get my son here at some point, or no pics (sorry). Not much else I can do.