Wow, THANK YOU. I hope giving a plus 1 to every post in a thread is not breaking some sort of rule of ettiquette, cause that's what I've done here cause I'm sooooooo, soooo very thankful. And we all know, that isn't much. Wish I could thank you all properly, but I don't think I can affort to gift everyone that's posted here a game.
Mmmmm, perhaps I could if I do it over time??? Maybe that's a better way of saying thank you.
Anyway, I just want to ask one more question regarding the cooler, and then I'll make my decision and move one.
I thought about turning the fan around and having it blow toward the rear as an alternative, but felt like, even though I have no idea, that this wouldn't be near as effective as having a fan blow it toward it. However, it is true that the volume of air passing through the fan has to come from somewhere, so maybe there's not much loss there??
Here's the question. I think we probably all agree that doing it that way loses something. Maybe a little, maybe a lot, we may not agree on that, but I think we do agree it loses something. So, the question is, would I be better of accepting that loss with this cooler or changing it out and either putting the Start Tech cooler in or the stock cooler that came with the CPU???
If there is disagreement on that, that's ok with me, I will take all answers, evaluate it as best I can, and make my decision. Again, THANK YOU ALL very, very much for this help. I know this has probably been the worst thread in the history of GOG.COM in terms of someone begging for step by step help. Sorry about that, it's just I don't want to make an errors if I can help it cause some of these parts are very expensive. And while my family seems willing to always come through for me, I don't want to have to ask for parts to be replaced because I screwed up if I don't have to. So, thank you for the patience in this ridiculously long beg for help thread.
FraterPerdurabo: Also, it's extremely toxic, so do not get it on yourself either.
carnival73: Lol, this is going to all end in tears and sirens.
There's already been tears, trust me. No sirens yet, but there's still plenty of time for those too. lol When I finally turn this puppy on for the first time, if there is ANYTHING wrong, I'm gonna feel like I've made a mistake again. I sure hope all these parts are good.