AFnord: And yea, I've had a few people in EU: Rome with absolutely horrendous traits, and lots of them. I once had one who had so many traits that when i checked my nobles, his traits filled the entire trait space. He was one of the worst guys I've ever seen, bad at everything, everyone hated him (which might have been a good thing), and he was ambitious. I ended up assassinating him, and no-one seemed to care (I usually just put unruly nobles in jail, as it is a safer bet, and then I let them rot there, but he was a special case).
grviper: Here's one.
A humble ambitious pious devout zealous generous shrewd narrowminded reckless rash arrogant dumb deceitful weakwilled submissive unnoticeable energetic maniac.
At least he is loyal, though with that popularity, I can't imagine him being the best province governor.
I just searched through the list of nobles in my current game, but I could not find anyone even close to him.
Also, going a tad bit OOT here, do you have any suggestions on how to break up a Carthagan/Roman alliance? Instead of starting a war early on in the game, they decided to become best friends, and have now together been bullying every other nation they can find. I'm currently playing Macedonia and while I'm in a strong position (colonized far to the north, taken over most of Greece, with the exception of one area owned by Rome and the area furthest to the south, which Sparta owns, but if Rome or Carthage decides to declare war on me, I'm not going to be able to stand up against them.
AFnord: And you just reminded me that I have not got Sengoku yet, so my Paradox collection is not entirely complete :(.
Hawk52: I'm hoping it's pretty bug free. The demo had some issues but nothing really game breaking that I encountered.
As much as I like Paradox, if the game is a buggy mess I'm going to be really really pissed off. :(
PenutBrittle said that it is the least buggy Paradox release he has ever played, judging by his review copy, which sounds very promising. There will of course be a few bugs (no Paradox game is complete without them), but it would at least seem like it will be enjoyable on release.
And I have by the way remedied my lack of Sengoku since my last post.