Faithful: I tried to watch the trailer (lasted about 2 minutes worth), but if it is as it appears; how is this racing?
It seemed to be, move for 2 seconds, stop, click on something race for 2 more seconds rinse, repeat.
Does it cost to play?
Anyway, if you enjoy it all is well; I will continue to enjoy Ryzom for the $8.83 a month I pay to play it.
That's where most people get turned off at first. It's true, the vehicle will move for one second when you end turn, then you decide again. However, it's not Monopoly on Wheels. The physics make the races very exciting.
For instance, you could be travelling at 120mph. Your vehicle is approaching a 90 degrees turn. There are 3 guys in front of you, side by side, and they're prepared to turn too, but they are moving at 80mph. What do you do?
a) You could just floor the accelerator and keep going, then powerslide and hopefully avoid them completely. If you can do that, you'll have bragging rights on the forum, guaranteed.
b) You could play safe, slow down, and powerslide. Less chance of crashing, at the cost of speed.
c) You could powerslide right into them, smash the 3 of them into a wall, hopefully kill at least one of their drivers, and use the resulting impact to force yourself back on to the track, at a cost of destroying your own armor and, in the worst case scenario, injuring/killing your driver
d) It's also legit, if I'm not wrong, to use your car as a barricade, come out of the car and shoot the other drivers in cold blood - I don't know how possible is this, should be possible.
Gets even better in deathraces, when your vehicles have weapons, especially rockets. Just fire one at the car in front of you, and watch the wretch skid off the road, smashing into the car on his left, and causing a major road accident.