predcon: Because when I hear "Realtime", I think of a game that easily overtakes a player that doesn't move quickly enough. ...
Yes, the time pressure is part of the game. RTS relies more on tactics and gut feeling and fast reflexes (StarCraft, Command&Conquer, Homeworld,...). It's not for every player.
However the border between RTS and TBS can be smaller than one think. There are games which are combinations of both (Total War,.. is RT only for combats, otherwise TB) and there are games that come disguised as RT (Hearts of Iron,..) but since they have a pause mode in which you can still give orders it is really a TB game with infinitely small turns.
Also the border between RTS and pure Action titles (Diablo, ...) or FPS is thin. I would categorize FPS as a subgroup of RTS with additions of RPG and in a special setting (FP and S).
It all comes down to the possibility to pause and still give orders. If so: slow/true/unlimited strategy. If not: time limited strategy or simply limited strategy.
Lately I continued Kings of Bounty again and it is almost all TBS except a tiny RT element (rage diminishes over time, mana refills over time) and it is just fun for some small free time in between.