hedwards: Or the demo was actually fairly good, except for determined trolls looking to trash the game regardless of quality. I saw an awful lot of people trashing the game for reasons other than the game or demo itself.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: If the demo was good, they would have released it to everyone
at least after the game released.
Begging the question. If the demo wasn't any good, they likely wouldn't have released it at all. DNF would hardly have been the first game to have been released sans demo.
hedwards: It gets kind of old seeing all the group think about how the game is so terrible and how could anybody possibly enjoy this shite game. I'm fine with people not liking it, but pretending like there isn't a lot to enjoy is just plain dishonest.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: So anyone who doesn't like the game is part of the "group think". Gotcha.
No, but parroting what everybody else thinks without actually considering it is group think. Considering how poorly so many of your posts have been crafted on the subject, it's a valid criticism.
hedwards: The humour is there for people who get it, blaming the developers because it doesn't match whatever expectations you had is hardly justification for bashing the game.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: I believe a game not living up to the standards a person has for it is exactly justification for bashing the game. (Maybe the only one?) And the humor is there for people who think rape is a joke, yes.
It's valid grounds for criticism, but it's dishonest to suggest that it means the jokes were bad, it means that they weren't for you.
As for the rape jokes, they were a reference to Aliens, as has been pointed out in the past I won't get any further into it.
hedwards: The scores are at best how the .000001% of the population that rights reviews feels about the game.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: Reviews are opinions: News at 11. It's like the stock market: if you have one review, it's not a good portfolio and may or may not represent the market, but if you get a wide variety of stocks (or a collection of reviews, as seen on metacritic) you get a good representation of the inherent movement of the market. People who review games are, in fact, gamers themselves.
Reviews aren't opinions like how I feel about Coke versus Pepsi. They're not meant to be subjective. The traditional format can be boiled down to "This is what I thought about it and this is why." Yes, there's opinion and some subjectivity, but, and I cannot stress it enough, that is not justification for editorializing and the degree of unprofessionalism that I've seen in those reviews. They don't help the reader make a decision about the game, several of them do little other than insult the intelligence of those that liked the game.
But worst of all, they fail completely to give the reader any sort of idea as to what they're getting into if they buy the game. Had I been foolish enough to buy into that clap trap I wouldn't have bought the game and I would have been deprived of a really fun experience.
hedwards: And even then, you have to set quite a few of those reviews aside, as they aren't actual reviews, they're diatribes by people that don't want to admit that other people have their own tastes. Trashing the game for things like the humour, and the period of time it took to release and the dated graphics.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: They are people talking about how the game adheres to their own taste. Of course they aren't going to take other people's opinions in mind in
their review of a game. You seem to have an amazing habit of missing the parts in reviews where they talk about the poor gameplay and other game complaints, by the way.
Only to dedicated trolls. I've posted in quite a few posts that there are valid criticisms of the game play to be made. And I've commented on ones that I agree with, ones that I disagree with but at least can independently verify.
Unlike you, I've actually played the game and considered it on its merits. Considering the fact that I actually waited to play the game before I made up my mind, I think that warrants a bit of credit for being open minded.
hedwards: Ever notice all those movies that score like half a star and then have large numbers of people seeing and enjoying them anyways? Well, critics aren't perfect, and at least with movie critics they've had some education and are trying to inform the public about what's in the game, the good and the bad, rather than trashing things for ratings. Watch a decent review and even a bad review is likely to give reasons why one might want to watch.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: You appear to have a woeful lack of knowledge about the application of statistics. Pretty much every product will be enjoyed by at least one person, yes, but when you combine the reviews of a representative sample of the population, they do accurately display the opinion of the majority on the subjective quality of the game.
No, they don't. I think it's ironic that you're trying to school me on statistics when you clearly haven't studied it at all. You have to be extremely careful with confirmation biases and sampling errors.
Not to mention the way in which the sampling is done, voluntary selection is one of the worst ways of getting sample data. Especially in cases which are subject to high emotion. Given that the haters had a head start on those that ultimately waited to play the game, of course the sampling is going to appear a lot worse than it likely is.
I can't help but notice that you yourself started bashing the game prior to its release on the basis of the demo.
hedwards: But, then again, I'm sure you'd rather go back to trolling than admit that perhaps you're being extremely narrow minded.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: How droll.
The last few points are precisely what I'm getting at. You're not just ill informed, you're militantly ill informed. If you look up my comments in various portions of the forum on the game, I've been far, far more fair about the game than you've given me credit for.
I don't have any way of establishing whether or not you're a troll, but troll or intellectually lazy, either way, you're not doing yourself any favors by posting such deliberately obtuse posts.