Twilight: Thanks. Actually, I don't really have a problem with the DRM itself, I just didn't want to buy everything on Amazon from now on. I guess I should have done my research better, I had the impression that Kindle does not allow any external/non-DRM files :)
So, can Kindle or Nook, or any of the quality readers read an unprotected file from my computer without any problems?
Also, the Zork thing is seriously tempting :))
Yes, sort of. The Kindle can read unprotected Mobipocket files and the Nook can read unprotected EPUB files. As long as they are unprotected, the files can be easily converted back and forth with Calibre. The three big Ebook readers are the Kindle, the Nook, and the Sony Reader. I don't know much about the sony, but its the least popular of the three. No matter what ebook reader you get, you will pretty much be locked in to the seller. With the Nook and Sony though, you can also buy many of the books from Google's book store. If your getting getting books that are DRM free then you can convert it to your reader no problem, so it doesn't matter where you buy those.