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hello again people had enough of me yet?
i loved the fallout3 game on ps3, im sure like many gamers out there whould have adopted the shoot first ask questions later tactic like myself, hehe i must admit i did rather enjoy blowing up megaton, so i could live in a swanky apartment kidnapping little kids to line my pockets with caps, i did feel just a little evil, i was considering buying the first 2 fallouts will i enjoy it or not what do you think?
I must admit I'm getting a little tired, but it's good that you've started with a more positive attitude to this site.
Fallout 1 & 2 are VERY different to the 3. They are much older, and in my opinion have a virtually unusable interface. I think they would just frustrate you, however I would never discourage someone from trying beyond warning them not to get their hopes up.
If you liked Fallout 3, perhaps try the more modern similars such as "Two Worlds" - I just finished it, and it is very free. Also I've heard that Gothic 2 is good - yet to try.
If you want to try the old top down fixed camera stuff, then the fallout games will do it. But something like Jagged Alliance 2 will be so much better.
Honestly - nicotine patches - they need to sell Jagged Alliance 2 patches.
is jagged alliance that good?
wpegg: I must admit I'm getting a little tired, but it's good that you've started with a more positive attitude to this site.
Fallout 1 & 2 are VERY different to the 3. They are much older, and in my opinion have a virtually unusable interface. I think they would just frustrate you, however I would never discourage someone from trying beyond warning them not to get their hopes up.
If you liked Fallout 3, perhaps try the more modern similars such as "Two Worlds" - I just finished it, and it is very free. Also I've heard that Gothic 2 is good - yet to try.
If you want to try the old top down fixed camera stuff, then the fallout games will do it. But something like Jagged Alliance 2 will be so much better.
Honestly - nicotine patches - they need to sell Jagged Alliance 2 patches.
It's an old game - the interface is clunky, you won't immediately like it. But yes, if you play that for long enough you will get hooked. You have to accept that it's old, and thus old graphics, tricky interface.
Look at the recent enthusiasm for a reloaded edition of JA2 for an example of how much that game is loved on the site.
I was never able to blow up Megaton or be generally evil in Fallout 3 because I never saw the motivation to do so from an RPG perspective. It seemed like the evil choices were just there for gameplay, not story or immersion.
money motivates many people to do evil things i guess that what drove me to do it
StingingVelvet: I was never able to blow up Megaton or be generally evil in Fallout 3 because I never saw the motivation to do so from an RPG perspective. It seemed like the evil choices were just there for gameplay, not story or immersion.
Unusable interface?!
Fallout 1 & 2 are incredible. Get the first, it's a lousy 6 bucks. Apply the recommended patches/mods, play for a few hours and see how you like it.
Post edited August 22, 2010 by chautemoc
kaka123: money motivates many people to do evil things i guess that what drove me to do it

Yeah, that works for some people. I just prefer when the "evil" route makes sense in some way, like a moral gray area.
kaka123: money motivates many people to do evil things i guess that what drove me to do it

You do realize that later in the game you will be absolutely swimming in money? A high repair skill and a little sidequesting will have you hoarding vast numbers of caps in no time.
kaka123: money motivates many people to do evil things i guess that what drove me to do it
StingingVelvet: Yeah, that works for some people. I just prefer when the "evil" route makes sense in some way, like a moral gray area.

I'm the same way with games like this. i prefer a role playing motivation for my character to do bad things. i held off on playing that way through fallout 3 till i figured out that my character would go down that path if he just had a biggoted hatred of non humans. worked out pefectly because the first time i walked into the bar in megaton with the ghoul bartender i shot him dead. the response from the rest of the townspeople convinced me they should all die. between that character trait and demanding that people pay if they want me to do anything for them it worked out great.
Fallout 1 & 2 are very different styles of game but content wise they're pretty much on par. Whilst there's nothing quite as flashy as blowing up megaton (at least not that I remember), there's still plenty of bastardry to be had.
An example of the kind of chaotic fun you can have
Personally I got bored of Fallout1 pretty quick. The interface isn't unusable (better than many old games), but it's clunky. Everything seemed very sterile, detached and lacking atmosphere - and there seemed to be not much of a story or any interesting characters or writing.
It might be because I gave up too quick, maybe it gets going later. Or it might be because I'm used to 3d now and found the remote 2d view rather uninvolving.
But I started playing Baldur's Gate 2 later, and got much more into that game than Fallout1.
I'll try and go back to it at some point though.
If you like Fallout 3, maybe Oblivion, Morrowind, Stalker, Deus Ex or anything by bioware or rockstar.
Most people in Japan were never able to blow up Megaton or be generally evil in Fallout 3 because it was cut out of the Japanese version =(
Sure am glad I picked up the game on Steam (before Bethesda decided that Japan wasn't allowed most of their games on the PC).
soulgrindr is a crazy person, don't listen to him. Sshhh.
Fallout 1 and 2 are the Michael Jordan of video games