Posted July 27, 2013

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

what's a paladin
Registered: Jun 2011
From Brazil
Posted July 27, 2013
I honestly don't like Phil Fish that much, but the immature and insane reaction from gamers against him does scare me a lot. Reading the comments section on polytron's site about Fez 2's cancellation made me lose that little bit of fate i still had on the gaming community.
Yes, Phil Fish acted like an asshole many times and doesn't really know how to deal with criticism, but he doesn't deserve as much hate as he gets. He really doesn't. He's just a human being that made some mistakes, just like everyone else.
What annoys me the most about this is how whiny and immature many gamers are. I mean, yes, Phil Fish did deserve some of the criticism, but the hostility against him is absurd. For fuck's sake, Treyarch's developers are receiving death threats every day just because they tweaked some of the guns in the last patch. This is insane.
Yes, Phil Fish acted like an asshole many times and doesn't really know how to deal with criticism, but he doesn't deserve as much hate as he gets. He really doesn't. He's just a human being that made some mistakes, just like everyone else.
What annoys me the most about this is how whiny and immature many gamers are. I mean, yes, Phil Fish did deserve some of the criticism, but the hostility against him is absurd. For fuck's sake, Treyarch's developers are receiving death threats every day just because they tweaked some of the guns in the last patch. This is insane.

Three Bars
Registered: Jun 2011
From Lithuania
Posted July 27, 2013

He's not a child, he knows what ticks some people off and he knows what makes some people go "aww, he doesn't deserve this".
Post edited July 27, 2013 by Profanity

Dayman: Fighter of the Nightman
Registered: Sep 2012
From Brazil
Posted July 27, 2013
It's like teasing people. It happens to all these people in the industry, but since they just ignore it, everyone agrees and says "yeah, just ignore them".
Fish on the other hand falls for it, which just encourages those doing it to continue it, and since his reactions are comprised of all these temper tantrums people just think: "screw him, then".
Fish on the other hand falls for it, which just encourages those doing it to continue it, and since his reactions are comprised of all these temper tantrums people just think: "screw him, then".

citation needed
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 27, 2013

I think I sort of understand him a bit more now. I still don't necessarily like the guy, but I get it. I just think as people have said he needs to stop paying attention to twitter/comments.

Bad at games
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted July 27, 2013

Yes, Phil Fish acted like an asshole many times and doesn't really know how to deal with criticism, but he doesn't deserve as much hate as he gets. He really doesn't. He's just a human being that made some mistakes, just like everyone else.
What annoys me the most about this is how whiny and immature many gamers are. I mean, yes, Phil Fish did deserve some of the criticism, but the hostility against him is absurd. For fuck's sake, Treyarch's developers are receiving death threats every day just because they tweaked some of the guns in the last patch. This is insane.
And don't I just feel like a hypocritical ass, posting this in the same thread that I just had to post the Fish Heads song.

New User
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted July 27, 2013
I don't see it as an age issue so much as the fact that Twitter really tends to lend itself to snap reactions more than almost any other form of conversation. It's such a limited form of conversation that there's no "lag time" for people's minds to weed out bad/inappropriate responses. In other words, it's too fast for a rational discussion on the merits of "good' and "bad" and turns most users into hyperemotional douches. Believe me, I've seen intelligent "realspace" people turn into complete morons on Twitter.
I read something that claimed the average age of gamers was now in the 30s range, which seems reasonable.
I read something that claimed the average age of gamers was now in the 30s range, which seems reasonable.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted July 27, 2013
Phil Fish seems to need psychiatric help.
I don't mean that as an insult, I wouldn't use that as an insult. I mean he actually seems to show signs of some kind of mental health problem.
I don't mean that as an insult, I wouldn't use that as an insult. I mean he actually seems to show signs of some kind of mental health problem.

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted July 27, 2013

I don't mean that as an insult, I wouldn't use that as an insult. I mean he actually seems to show signs of some kind of mental health problem.
I just hope he realizes himself before he has a violent outburst towards himself or others.

Think Different.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted July 27, 2013

Shall I be upset? Oh it's about twitter and that strange game, Fez, I didn't fancy.
Oh okay, nothing important then, just move along, move along please - nothing to see here...
He's often attributed as being one of the more public faces of indie gaming since he was one of the front-and-centre stars of "Indie Game: The Movie", which was supposed to be a documentary about the indie game scene.

what's a paladin
Registered: Jun 2011
From Brazil
Posted July 27, 2013

He's not a child, he knows what ticks some people off and he knows what makes some people go "aww, he doesn't deserve this".
It might be attention whoring, i didn't say it wasn't. However, i do believe that he might be exhausted from all the hostility targeted at him, especially after looking at his Twitter account (before he locked it). It's not easy to identify human emotions. It's impossible to know for sure if he's just trying to get some attention or if he's genuinely tired from all the hate. Don't make it look like a trivial matter, it isn't.

In the 36 Chmbrs
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted July 28, 2013
So, uh...can we get back to better topics? I'm tired of Phil Fish and his Tower Toppler clones, k? :3

Dayman: Fighter of the Nightman
Registered: Sep 2012
From Brazil
Posted July 28, 2013

GFN / VR / Switch!
Registered: Oct 2010
From Other

Yep, I'm a girl
Registered: Feb 2012
From Austria
Posted July 28, 2013

To sum up: Phil Fish had a bit of a fight with the host of the show Invisible Walls, from Gametrailers, on Twitter. Then said Fez 2 was cancelled, locked his Twitter, and now the official Polytron account is reiterating it with: "It's with a heavy heart that we announce that FEZ II has been cancelled and is no longer in development. We apologize for the disappointment."
I don't think he'll actually cancel it, but the whole thing has been peculiar, to say the least.
The guy is a complete wanker but, no, unfortunately, I doubt he's gone. He's just having his usual temper tantrum so he can get some "attention" and then he'll be back pushing Fez 2 and trying to use the same media outlets he was just a fucking wanker to.
Hate the guy. He epitomizes everything wrong with the gaming industry and I wouldn't touch any game he made with a barge pole.
Fish publicly tweeted to Beer today. "And you're right. we're VERY successful. and we're not going anywhere. get used to it you middle-aged parasite," he continued, "compare your life to mine and then kill yourself."

I just figure there are other indie gamers that make good games and seem to be decent people, so why should I hand over my hard-earned money to a complete wanker.
Post edited July 28, 2013 by Bloodygoodgames