Posted July 28, 2013

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Registered: Jan 2011
From Poland

Vigilant GOGer
Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted July 28, 2013
I believe so, to be fair to him though that was due to the exorbitant price that MS demands from developers/publishers for each patch they want to upload.
You'd think MS would be more willing to accommodate this at a cheaper price or even freely since it can only result in a better experience for their customers. No one wants to play a buggy game when there's a bug-free alternative.
EDIT: ninja'd.
Also this is likely the most creative use of a story I'll ever come across that includes Beer, Fish and Blow.
You'd think MS would be more willing to accommodate this at a cheaper price or even freely since it can only result in a better experience for their customers. No one wants to play a buggy game when there's a bug-free alternative.
EDIT: ninja'd.
Also this is likely the most creative use of a story I'll ever come across that includes Beer, Fish and Blow.
Post edited July 28, 2013 by Cormoran

what's a paladin
Registered: Jun 2011
From Brazil
Posted July 28, 2013

All I can say is, when you fund someone that you know is prejudiced, racist, bigoted, homophobic (that would be TenNapel), an asshole, whatever, you are supporting that philosophy and that person. So, for me, it's something I never do if I DO know about the person's views and find them offensive. (You can't know about everyone's philosophies, but you can choose to support or not support those people who's philosophies you DO know about).
Same reason I never buy at Starbucks (they give mega millions to Israel), haven't bought Dominoes pizza in decades as they're one of the US' biggest funders of anti-abortion groups and on and on and on. So, just as I don't ever knowingly buy Israeli products, not until the Israeli government stop massacring Palestinians -- I will never buy a copy of Fez as Fish is a self-involved, narcissistic, rude, ignorant, abrasive and abusive asshole.
TenNapel will not use the KS money to fund anti-gay campaigns, he will use it to fund his game, which i DID like. As a game designer i like him, and i'm not boycotting his games just because he has different opinions than mine. That would be just as ignorant and prejudicious. No, i don't agree with his view, but i believe in something called "freedom of speech". If he had spanked a homossexual to death or something like that, then yes it would be different, but that was far from being the case.

The way you say it makes him look like a child molester or something.

Post edited July 28, 2013 by Neobr10

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted July 28, 2013
For some reason I couldn't care less if some game author is a jackass and a wife-beater, as long as the game is good. His problems in his personal life are not really my business, let the local police handle it if there was some crime committed.
I would have even bought Battlecruiser 3000 AD (sp?) games if they were any good, regardless of the game author, Derek Smart, apparently being an a-hole according to some.
Or, I couldn't care less if the Daikatana author told people to be his bitch and then he went to Romania to marry a girl younger than his own kids, or something. Who cares? Gimme the games already.
About Fez 2, or any other possible games this Phil Fish has created... I have no idea if it is a big loss or not if he really is out of the gaming business. I think I have installed and played a bit for the first Fez game, but I don't remember at all which kind of game it was. Probably a 2D platformer with oldie graphics style, right? I think I liked e.g. Trine and Giana Sisters better.
I would have even bought Battlecruiser 3000 AD (sp?) games if they were any good, regardless of the game author, Derek Smart, apparently being an a-hole according to some.
Or, I couldn't care less if the Daikatana author told people to be his bitch and then he went to Romania to marry a girl younger than his own kids, or something. Who cares? Gimme the games already.
About Fez 2, or any other possible games this Phil Fish has created... I have no idea if it is a big loss or not if he really is out of the gaming business. I think I have installed and played a bit for the first Fez game, but I don't remember at all which kind of game it was. Probably a 2D platformer with oldie graphics style, right? I think I liked e.g. Trine and Giana Sisters better.
Post edited July 28, 2013 by timppu

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted July 28, 2013
I've not watched the show and I've mainly read what's been posted in this thread. I have two questions:
1. How old are these guys?
2. What's so unique/ distinctive about Fez that warrants a sequel (haven't played it)?
1. How old are these guys?
2. What's so unique/ distinctive about Fez that warrants a sequel (haven't played it)?

Vigilant GOGer
Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted July 28, 2013

Other journalists emailed Fish and Blow to ask for their comments, they could have either commented or just ignored the requests. I havent found any tweets from Fish but Blows response to those emails was to hit up twitter and start insulting the journalists for asking his opinion, I'm unsure if Fish did the same but Marcus seems to imply that he did, and that's where he came in with his IW rant.
SSSHHH!!!! Do not mention that name, it brings forth the beast of a thousand flamewars!
Post edited July 28, 2013 by Cormoran

custard tart
Registered: Jun 2013
From Portugal
Posted July 28, 2013

1. How old are these guys?
2. What's so unique/ distinctive about Fez that warrants a sequel (haven't played it)?
1. Both should be old enough not to publicly and shamelessly offend each other. Phil Fish should be old enough not to be the diva he is. Marcus Beer should be old enough not to be a pretentious douche just because he's a "journalist".
2. Fez is actually a good game, if you're into that kind of thing. It's kind of a Tower Toppler clone (google it up, if you're not in the know), like someone said before, with good pixel art, a nice setting and the ability to explore three dimensions in a 2D world (akin to the mechanics in Super Paper Mario, for a quick reference). I understand why so many people boycott Fez, and I don't blame them, but if they could get past the asshole-ry of Phil Fish, and gave the game a chance, they would probably enjoy it. Is it worth a sequel? Well, it depends on what the game meant to you, and whether Fish still had something to give players taking place in that particular universe. I guess we'll never know, now.
They're both douchebags, but at least Fish has a good game to show, I guess, whereas all Beer does is being mean and rude to people just because they disagree with him, because "it's his job" and we should get on with the times, "it's the internet age, everyone is mean and stupid and so should you!"
Post edited July 28, 2013 by groze

Taco Toosday
Poet Master
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted July 28, 2013

To sum up: Phil Fish had a bit of a fight with the host of the show Invisible Walls, from Gametrailers, on Twitter. Then said Fez 2 was cancelled, locked his Twitter, and now the official Polytron account is reiterating it with: "It's with a heavy heart that we announce that FEZ II has been cancelled and is no longer in development. We apologize for the disappointment."
I don't think he'll actually cancel it, but the whole thing has been peculiar, to say the least.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 28, 2013
Just leave the man in peace and let him get on with his job. I do not care how much of a douchebag or not he is. As long he is not doing anything illegal he should be free do his art as he wants, without the need to legitimize his existence in the field.
It does looks like he has some personal issues and a very big personality, but this hounding does not seem to help in this regard at all. You may or may not like his game, but it was a well crafted original piece. Congratulations to the gaming community for driving away another original designer.
It does looks like he has some personal issues and a very big personality, but this hounding does not seem to help in this regard at all. You may or may not like his game, but it was a well crafted original piece. Congratulations to the gaming community for driving away another original designer.
Post edited July 28, 2013 by amok

Taco Toosday
Poet Master
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted July 28, 2013

It does looks like he has some personal issues and a very big personality, but this hounding does not seem to help in this regard at all. You may or may not like his game, but it was a well crafted original piece. Congratulations to the gaming community for driving away another original designer.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 28, 2013

It does looks like he has some personal issues and a very big personality, but this hounding does not seem to help in this regard at all. You may or may not like his game, but it was a well crafted original piece. Congratulations to the gaming community for driving away another original designer.

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted July 28, 2013
Yeah, I recall playing that on Amiga... Maybe I played Fez too little, as I didn't instantly make the connection to Nebulus.

Taco Toosday
Poet Master
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted July 28, 2013

New User
Registered: Jan 2011
From Poland
Posted July 28, 2013
But who stops him from making games? Nobody. Also if you are making publicly comments like "PC are for spreadsheets" or "Japanese games sucks" then you can expect that other will use similar words towards you. Acting rude is like a bait for other rude people. "Don't be a douche, if you can't stand other douches".
Post edited July 28, 2013 by Aver

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted July 28, 2013
high rated