darthspudius: I thought resi5 was dirt but loved Resi 6... is there something wrong there?! I seem to be the only one not on the resi 6 is bad band wagon yet. Though I'll admit the co op was good it just didn't feel interesting (the actual game).
Robette: I tried to find some good in Resident Evil 6 but just couldn't. Everything felt wrong about that game.
I dislike the new inventory, the HUD, the shaky camera and I feel severly mocked by the poor leveldesigne. It starts of looking like you finally can strife a city and ends up being such narrow tube gaming that it makes RE5 look like an open world game. Along with that the QTE sequences that are supposed to give the impression of interaction even if nothing is happening and the new 'action' moves which are almost a hinderance in those narrow tubes.
It felt like someone decided to combine every trick in the book that gives the illusion of gameplay.
HUD, Inventory etc were a great improvement in my mind. I mean that piece of shit they had in RE5 had to be one of the worst inventory systems for that kind of game. RE6 inventory was just simple and easy to use. As for shaky cam... ??? You got me there. QTE, a friend of mine told me these things are all over the place in the game but tbh, I didn't see that many that it started to become a problem.
The one thing that irritated me was the amount of boss battles at the end of Leons campaign. Fun ideas, just too many of them.
RE6 to me improved every aspect I hated about RE5, including being able to actually play it single player.
But saying all this when RE5 game out everyone did nothing but complain about these things so I don't know.