bevinator: So buying two copies of it yourself is fine, but your friend buying a copy is hypocrisy? I'm confused. If you want two people to play the game, you buy two copies. How is this so foreign to you?
I read that as having to explain the situation to his friend would have his friend cluing into the "hypocrisy," of this situation, and then that friend would get all worked up over said "hypocrisy." If he could have handled it all personally then he could side step that whole conversation.
I'm now starting to feel a bit bad that I have the right to request a Two Worlds key myself, but never bothered doing it while this guy is wishing for a spare. Not that I could just give mine away as I don't think it works that way. I sure wouldn't be giving up the game because I'm actually one of those rare people that really, really loved Two Worlds.