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We know you're busy people, but would you like to contribute to an even better GOG? How about taking 5 minutes of your time to make the GOG experience an outstanding one?

Our main goal when designing was to create the best user experience in digital distribution ever. Many say we're doing it right, but we want to get even better, that's why we're launching a survey that will help us lead GOG in the way you'd like it to go. Taking part in it isn't required of course, but if you want to have your share in making GOG the best digital distribution service there is (or at least even better than it is right now) and maybe win a free game, devote few minutes of your time to answer couple questions we've prepared. From all users who will take part in the survey, we'll randomly choose 20 who will receive a free GOG game of their choice. Grab a pencil... er, a keyboards in your hands and answer the below questions for a better future for all of us :)

The survey ends on Thursday, October 27 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
Fever_Discordia: But GNGs (Good New Games) are tomorrows GOGs - would you have a system where after 5 years or so they'd automatically migrate sites?
and if you had a tabbed shelf, would they move automatically there too?
To tell you the truth, I didn't really know what to answer for the 'would you buy newer games' question as, while I'm cool with them being here, I probably would actually buy them due to not having a computer good enough to run them! - I went for '3' on the scale
I think the migration of a game from 'new' to 'old' would depend on the publisher deal they get for price point. Like, once a game was a few years old and they were able to sell it at the 9.99 price point, it could migrate over. Indie games that were already 9.99 or less would get to stay 'new' for a few years of course. They could move your 'new' games to the 'old' shelf at the appropriate time and use it as a marketing gimmick...send you an email with 'hey, your game has been moved, you should come check out these other games from that era from the same genere'. These are all just minor details they could easily work out.

Most of the games I buy are not classics, but also not new releases. The 2 - 4 year old group is pretty popular for me as they are significantly cheaper but still mostly relevant technology wise. I maybe buy 2-3 new releases (at release) a year. I'd much rather give my business to GOG than steam as I simply don''t trust them to mismanage my account at some point and take away all my game licenses. That's why I only buy things on steam when they're like 5 bucks.
Wow, the maximum games owned you could input was 30+?
I counted and figured out I own 93.

lukaszthegreat: How to make gog grow more...

I put
give us system shock 2

hope it helps.
It won't. It has been announced multiple times and places why GOG doesn't have SS2: Legal issues, they can't at the moment as the rights to the game is spread far and wide around
I took it. I hope my feedback helps.
Yay surveys!
Lhademmor: It won't. It has been announced multiple times and places why GOG doesn't have SS2: Legal issues, they can't at the moment as the rights to the game is spread far and wide around
Why so serious?
You should not be so serious.
*cuts Lhademmor a nice beautiful smile*

on topic:

yeah that +30 limit on games was weird. there should be more options and at least +100 games owned.
Fuzzyfireball: All done.

New games, old games, I don't care. Give the extra gewdies, take the DRM out and slap a good price on it and I'll buy it. I'd say this place is probably my primary place to buy games, so if you guys did that I'd have no reason to use any other service period.
So say we all

This site rocks, excelent prices without drm for awsome games, what else can you ask for? Seriously I used to pirate old games but i would much rather do this than pirate. And if you treat your newer games like you do your classics I would rather get them here legally at a good price, then illegaly for free.
Post edited October 12, 2011 by windstriker
Lhademmor: Wow, the maximum games owned you could input was 30+?
I counted and figured out I own 93.
If you own more than 30 games, I'd say we have our hooks well and truly into you. ;)
well... new games are usually worth less then old ones so price should be lower... after all i can buy new game in normal shop... :P
TheEnigmaticT: If you own more than 30 games, I'd say we have our hooks well and truly into you. ;)
you don't say
Lhademmor: Wow, the maximum games owned you could input was 30+?
I counted and figured out I own 93.
Snap! That's exactly how many I have.
Well, there are games owned and games bought & gifted. If I sum up both, the score looks nice :D

(or terrifying, in terms of money spent :P )
Lhademmor: Wow, the maximum games owned you could input was 30+?
I counted and figured out I own 93.
TheEnigmaticT: If you own more than 30 games, I'd say we have our hooks well and truly into you. ;)
TheEnigmaticT is Pinhead, confirmed.
The survey shows some potentially exciting developments for the world of gog in the future. Sure it is all just under consideration at this point and may not be possible (I highly doubt publishers will allow day 0 drm free gog releases) but it is certainly nice to hear how gog is looking to expand. Unfortunately gog can't live forever on old games, sure new games eventually become old games but they will still be sold on places like steam so gog would have a heavy competitor.
I'm conflicted on the last question I'd love to see more newer DRM free games, but one of the major reasons I shop here is the affordable price point. I'd hate to see the site start getting cluttered up with games out of my price range.

I'd also prefer it if most of the newer games had, at least, an old-school feel or look to them. Maybe along the lines of Recettear or other Carpe Fulgur imports.
Please give us a wanted list. I have a gog wanted list on my list of things that I want...I am so selfish.