Drelmanes: Here a interesting video where Tim talks about Arcanum >
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4XVW6qcuzM "In hindsight, while I loved making the game, the game didn't really end up what I wanted it to be. And I was kind of upset that it shipped with the bugs it did, because we actually fixed some of the bugs, but we weren't allowed to put out a patch, because QA had already disbanded." ~ Tim Cain on The Temple of Elemental Evil
I updated my GoG mix with Planescape's favourable mentions, which pushes it up to number two.
http://www.gog.com/en/mix/great_stories_forum_favourites I'm looking forward to playing "Betrayal at Krondor", but I need to beat Dragon Age first. Hmm, "beating" a game is a bit of a throwback, isn't it?