GameRager: Well I wouldn't be editing perse......maybe just joining the clips together.....if Fraps works as shown I can just self edit as I play(hitting the record key to stop/start as needed.) I wish Fraps could just append the latest recording as you started/stopped recording with it instead of making a new video/etc file every time you start/stop recording.
Sorry for the delayed response. In regards to your earlier question, 30 FPS is plenty for recording videos. The standard is usually 29.97 or 30 FPS, so I would see little need to record at a higher rate for any sort of LP video. Granted I may be a little out of touch with codecs as I haven't done any videos as of late, but most common codecs available take it down to 30 FPS regardless.
If your system can handle it, I would recommend full size videos. However, half size shouldn't hurt if you are limited to that. Most people probably view videos on Youtube in their smaller format anyway, such as myself, due to limited bandwidth.
In regards to the quoted bit above, I highly recommend VirtualDub for your needs. It is a free and is great for joining videos together seamlessly, and then compressing the audio and video using the codecs of your choice. Or well, most codecs, as I believe it is still finicky with a few, such as h.264.
I am no VirtualDub expert, but if you need help in regards to joining videos together, let me know and I can post how to do it. I am on my laptop at the moment so I don't have the program in front of me to say at the moment.
However, if you want a more simple drag and drop interface, Windows Movie Maker is probably your best bet then. Also, someone earlier mentioned the older WMM being better due to the timeline interface, but I am pretty sure you can switch to an old school timeline in the new LIVE Movie Maker version. I will also have to double check this as well later when I get a chance.
I look forward to seeing what you make :)