Tarm: That is pretty meaningless with a TES game since its strength is its moddability, not how it is out of the box.
bevinator: Well, sorta. If you're on a console, mods are useless to you, and there are plenty of people who play with few to no mods whatsoever. Any game or DLC has to be evaluated on its own content as well as its mod potential. In recent times Bethesda seems to have taken the "it doesn't matter if our release is half-assed, modders will fix it" approach, which I greatly and vehemently disagree with. It should not be the community's burden to make the content good, because Bethesda is selling a GAME, not an engine. So while adding modding opportunities is a great thing, the content itself needs to be worthwhile as well. Hearthfire seems to be designed to appeal to a broader audience than the base game, rather than being good on its own account.
True about consoles and you have a point about Bethesda getting more lazy. Thankfully Bethesda still makes satisfyingly enough games in vanilla but they have to start to watch it with the next game in the series.
Tarm: It's right up my alley. I like to live sort of a second life in Skyrim with some of my characters. Roleplay. :)
mystral: That's fine. Far be it from me to tell you how to have fun with Skyrim, and if you like the Hearthfire DLC, then good for you.
I'm just wondering how well it will sell, because it'd be interesting to see what proportion of players want to be able to do this kind of thing.
Personally, when it comes to housing, I don't really care how it looks. I just want it to have a bed, a lot of storage space and be conveniently close to merchants and crafting stations.
All of which were already satisfied with the vanilla houses in the game, so I didn't even look into housing mods.
I think it'll sell well. Finally consoles have a taste of what PC users have and probably many future mods will have Hearthfire as a requirement. Sales on PC might not be that great at the start but like most Bethesda games, DLC and expansions they'll make up for it by selling reasonable well over a long time