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He should beat her up. I know it's not nice to hit a girl, but the minute she wants to harm your genitals or your video games, then you must defend yourself.
Judging by the games in his collection, I'd say she did him a favour. =P
011284mm: Unfortunatly I know three blokes who actually do choose gaming every night to time with their families. When the new CoD came out they took a week off work and they all went and bunked at one of their groups mothers house to enjoy a week off, just playing games all day.
The really annoying bit is each of them has 2 children minimum. So we have a genoration to follow who will see absence fathers as the norm again.
Yes, I also know people like this, but without children. One guy nearly quits social contacts for playing Xbox (from time to time for 2 or more months). When World of Warcraft launched, another one said to his girlfriend that he will be busy for the next two months and she was first okay with this, but later tried to tease him with spending time with other people, focus on boys.

011284mm: As for me, I know where I want to be, though I am sure she would rather I played the games.
TekZero: That's why I'm moving to digital.
Elenarie: If you're going digital to avoid your games being destroyed by your girlfriend or ex girlfriend... forget the stupid games, you have serious issues.
what im finding worrying is the lack of "ok something was defo not right and bad enough she felt she had to snap a (very small!) bundle of games to make a point" comments. not to mention those are really hard to snap (or was it cds that are hard? i can never remember if its cds or dvds that are really hard to snap). so it must have taken considerable time to get through even that small amount.
now dont get me wrong im finding it quite amusing (in an odd way) but hmm i worry the direction society is headed in and im not sure either one of those two in that relationship is any less to blame than the other.

also there is a few comments in here about abusive that im actually struggling with guys, seriously people please think about the implications of what your writing. obviously im not saying you cant have your views but seriously think your comments through, please. i beg you
That is just funny.
Post edited June 03, 2013 by chezybezy
Immoli: It gets better. This event got a lot of media attention. Not outrage, but people were laughing at the guy.