langurmonkey: I wouldn't want you as an ex girlfriend... :P What is 16 games, right? Maybe I'm not understanding you 100%?
Wishbone: You're
definitely not understanding him correctly. He's
not saying "What she did wasn't so bad, it was only 16 games", but rather "What an incompetent journalist, to call the ownership of 16 games an
obsessive hobby". Actually, it's 17 games, there's another one almost out of the image at the bottom right, but that's still nowhere near justification for the use of the word "obsessive".
I wouldn't consider myself an "obsessive" game collector by any stretch of the definition, and while I don't know exactly how many physical game discs I own, it's probably more than 100.
This, more or less.
The "journalist" who wrote this piece is implying that anyone with a video game hobby is obsessive about it. While there are people who fit into that description, this guy seems to be pretty far from it and judging from his collection, appears to be a regular 360 gamer - the kind who has a few games he likes to play and isn't a collector or have dozens of games.