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langurmonkey: You should never share your passwords with anyone... And you shouldn't let others have access to your machine.
If you take those two sentences seriously, your digital stuff is very safe unless you do a lot of high risk things with your internet connection.
Relationships and common sense don't necessarily go hand to hand. :P
All i can say is ouch all those disks gone.
Nirth: That's true but not everyone is that rational, especially when it comes to emotional relationships. While it's easy to say "just call the cops and run from it" I don't think it looks like that in reality, at least not all the time. It can be a delicate situation and in theory I can imagine staying in a abusive relationship if that is the sort of environment you're used to, maybe people around you have a lot worse so relatively speaking it's at least "good enough".
A little more digging suggests the wife did that because he filed for divorce. HE was trying to leave HER, which makes it sound like her "he beat me" defense was just BS.
BlueMooner: Really? I would have thought Country was fairly limited in content with a ton of things it hasn't covered. I don't listen to it though, so I don't know.
Well, maybe I exaggerated quite a bit, but with a song such as Clay Walker's "If I could make a livin' out of lovin' you, I'd be a millionaire in a week or two" or Toby Keith's "Getcha Some" one does wonder if they have not covered lots of things :-)
tarangwydion: Well, maybe I exaggerated quite a bit, but with a song such as Clay Walker's "If I could make a livin' out of lovin' you, I'd be a millionaire in a week or two" or Toby Keith's "Getcha Some" one does wonder if they have not covered lots of things :-)
Hmm, I think our definitions differ. Anyhoo, this is what always pops into my head when I hear people mention country music:
langurmonkey: I wouldn't want you as an ex girlfriend... :P What is 16 games, right? Maybe I'm not understanding you 100%?
Wishbone: You're definitely not understanding him correctly. He's not saying "What she did wasn't so bad, it was only 16 games", but rather "What an incompetent journalist, to call the ownership of 16 games an obsessive hobby". Actually, it's 17 games, there's another one almost out of the image at the bottom right, but that's still nowhere near justification for the use of the word "obsessive".

I wouldn't consider myself an "obsessive" game collector by any stretch of the definition, and while I don't know exactly how many physical game discs I own, it's probably more than 100.
This, more or less.

The "journalist" who wrote this piece is implying that anyone with a video game hobby is obsessive about it. While there are people who fit into that description, this guy seems to be pretty far from it and judging from his collection, appears to be a regular 360 gamer - the kind who has a few games he likes to play and isn't a collector or have dozens of games.
Post edited June 03, 2013 by Foxhack
Wishbone: You're definitely not understanding him correctly. He's not saying "What she did wasn't so bad, it was only 16 games", but rather "What an incompetent journalist, to call the ownership of 16 games an obsessive hobby". Actually, it's 17 games, there's another one almost out of the image at the bottom right, but that's still nowhere near justification for the use of the word "obsessive".

I wouldn't consider myself an "obsessive" game collector by any stretch of the definition, and while I don't know exactly how many physical game discs I own, it's probably more than 100.
Foxhack: This, more or less.

The "journalist" who wrote this piece is implying that anyone with a video game hobby is obsessive about it. While there are people who fit into that description, this guy seems to be pretty far from it and judging from his collection, appears to be a regular 360 gamer - the kind who has a few games he likes to play and isn't a collector or have dozens of games.
I was very tired when I read your post. Next time, I'll try to hold myself back from taking part in a discussion here when I'm that tired so I don't post anymore retarded posts.
Post edited June 03, 2013 by langurmonkey
Yikes. 17 Discs is obsessive collector. I have at least 100, not to mention the 200 or so digital. Perhaps the writer meant he was obsessive about playing the Xbox every waking hour. Still no reason to trash someone's stuff. I never understood the mentallity to destroy or steal someone else's property. Had my car's window broken for a backpack full of clothes in a hotel parking lot a few years back. A backpack worth $10 and clothes worth no more than $40. And of course to replace the window, it cost $250. Next time ask and I would gladly give you my backpack full of dirty laundry.
In other words:

Cheating with statistics, part 2681: New Games preferred over games (newer statistic: Majority of (UK) Men in Relationships Choose Games Over Sex)
But on the other hand, women enjoy (online) play of video games more than sex.
That ex did the guy a favor by killing all his XBox360 games. Now the guy has no shackles keeping him from moving on to buying XBox One, and buy games for it.

Otherwise he might have said something silly like "Oh, oh, but XBone is not backwards compatible so I can't run my army of XBox360 games on it..."

The-Business: In other words:

Cheating with statistics, part 2681: New Games preferred over games (newer statistic: Majority of (UK) Men in Relationships Choose Games Over Sex)
But on the other hand, women enjoy (online) play of video games more than sex.
Unfortunatly I know three blokes who actually do choose gaming every night to time with their families. When the new CoD came out they took a week off work and they all went and bunked at one of their groups mothers house to enjoy a week off, just playing games all day.
The really annoying bit is each of them has 2 children minimum. So we have a genoration to follow who will see absence fathers as the norm again.

As for me, I know where I want to be, though I am sure she would rather I played the games.
Meh, sounds like a marketing ploy to help justify the "future" of console gaming... his girlfriend probably worked for Microsoft :p
Wow. If my girlfriend tried to do that, she could be looking at an extended working weekend.
I've lost a few things along the road of a relationship. An insecure woman can be quite lively. Like coming home to find your world has been proactively purged of temptations, and unacceptable memories. They can also be very inquisitive.

As for scorned women, I only know enough about those to know I never want to meet one.
hucklebarry: Meh, sounds like a marketing ploy to help justify the "future" of console gaming... his girlfriend probably worked for Microsoft :p