serpantino: Was just looking at my games list and realised I have a reasonable 30, most of which I've touched at some point, a few that I've completed and another 30 or so I'm interested in getting (not all on my wishlist.) It got me to thinking how many do the rest of you fine ladies and gentlemen own?
I just counted them and I have 137, not including separate games from compilations.
Still have more on my wishlist though, and many on my wishlist to make it to GoG.
Miaghstir: You missed one.
Daedalus1138: Wait, what? You've never seen my catalog, how could you possibly know tha--
No, I'm just kidding. I know what you mean. I meant to say that three of them were free, not that I had all the free ones. At any rate, I actually only own two of the games that are free all the time; the other one is Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games, courtesy of GOG after that stunt they did a while back.
Ah yes, that stunt they did.
The only gift I wanted then was to give them a good punch in the face so they felt it afterwords. Its hard to feel words thrown down on the internet.