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tfishell: Are you able to afford more? You have a computer, so presumably there's some income...

(Not sure what Romania is like.)
Licurg: No income i'm afraid:( Been unemployed in... I think it's 2 years, maybe more:P i parasite my mother, who isn't earning that much either... Certainly not enough to buy me video games:P
Oh, that's rough. Well, the internet is crawling with free games (not advising piracy, suggesting Flash games, demos, freeware, etc.).
Post edited May 25, 2012 by tfishell
56 according to "My Games" but some of those are collections (Space Quest, etc)

All of the full\free\demo games that I have that I can play on my computer including GOG (that I've sorted through so far) = 3,792

So yeah if we have an apocalypse as long as I have power I'm good to go. :)
Post edited May 25, 2012 by DosFreak

Counting bundles as a single item and not counting freebies then: 37
Counting the games in bundles individually(i.e. Might and Magic 6 pack = 6 games) but still not couting freebies then: 60
Counting the games in bundles individually and freebies then: 67
Post edited May 25, 2012 by DCT
Licurg: No income i'm afraid:( Been unemployed in... I think it's 2 years, maybe more:P i parasite my mother, who isn't earning that much either... Certainly not enough to buy me video games:P
tfishell: Oh, that's rough. Well, the internet is crawling with free games (not advising piracy, suggesting Flash games, demos, freeware, etc.).
I'd gladly pirate games if i had a good internet connection:D and good freeware games... There's like 10 of them tops on the internet.
+50 games and when i get my paycheck i'll be buying Alan Wake : American Nightmare
goggames.jpg (385 Kb)
352. Since I signed up, I bought every game I didn't yet have on every sale, excluding Christmas 2010.

Amongst which:
8 were free/given away in a GOG promo
12 are games I still have the original discs/boxes/manuals for (multiple times for Fallout, Baldur's Gate 2 and The Witcher)
7 are games I've paid money for but never downloaded :)
11 are games I've played through to the end

I can definately see that number growing in the next couple of weeks, though....

Of which:
1 was a gift
4 were acquired from giveaways
10 were bought
1 was acquired while free (Empire Earth)
7 are the free games everyone gets
I have 36, but 7 are Free Games.
Excluding the free games, I own 36. Too few, yet too many (most of them are time-consuming CRPGs... and I never seem to have enough time to finish anything).
Bought - 13
Free - 7
GOG Giveaway - 3
Gift from a friend - 3
Wishlist - 200+
Post edited May 25, 2012 by EverettLamb
63 games.
Actually 77, because of collections like Ishar.
45 that I've bought myself
1 was a gift
7 of those are free titles
2 are from gog giveaways
Depends who you ask:

My wife would say too many. I on the other hand would say not enough. ;-)
Licurg: Holy shit. Some people have more than 100 games?!?! I only have 1:( gifted...
Well you've only been here 1 month.........give it time. :)

Also did you get the free games here yet?

FUN FACT: One user here(at the time he wrote it a few months back.) won the entire GOG catalog(minus a few titles) some here have near the whole catalog. 0.o