Not in Lou, but cheers for the grand year of gifting / recieving and fun!
As to giveaways I find myself stuck in a place that echoes both DeMignon and wpeggs statements - as time has gone on here, and more memers have arrived, I do begin to wonder where it will all end, but I also still like a good giveaway (hell, wouldnt be hosting them for The SIGIL otherwise).
I think if there were a few more "congolmerate" giveaways between folks (other than single GAs for [insert random leftover bundle game title here]) and a little more creativity in the participation on the whole, then even those that dislike them will begin to turn around and enter from time to time, and the few that do appear just to snatch games without further participation, will also either become more contributing members, or simply vanish.
Thanks again Lou!
Edit: actually I'll be in for this un and their choice of Pathologic if thats okay?