NoNewTaleToTell: Here are just a few bugs I can remember off the top of my head: being unable to progress in Laid To Rest, The gate guard in Riften refusing to talk (making it impossible for me to enter Riften in a normal way), the trap in the Ratway Vaults resetting and then being unable to be broken (unless you use a spell I think) again, the gate guard in Whiterun doing his dialogue sequence twice (not quest breaking, just annoying), Legend of Red Eagle quest resetting itself, occasionally cannot interact with quest important NPCs.
Not bugs, I know there are loads of bugs in TES if you happen to be unlucky. One game which is as big and as complex as Skyrim,
Now to elaborate a bit: I'm not actually excusing Bethesda for their bugs. I'm glad they are there since if they weren't, their games would be way smaller and I wouldn't want that, but bugs are always unexcusable. I'm just saying that they're not relying on modders to fix them - it's just extremely difficult to do so by themselves while retaining the scale of the game, and Bethesda then does what they can to release patches.