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Thespian*: You're right, the passage of time is an important filter. We often forget the huge number of bad games in the past and just remember those great games that marked us. Hence, to think that any past decade was a golden age that never repeats itself there's only one step.

EDIT: Ninja'ed by 227 ;)
keeveek: You're both right. But it's the best thing about retro gaming!

I may enter any gaming site with "the best games of last decade" and it's almost certain that many of them will be good for me.

Less risk - more fun :D
I think that when people say "old games are better," what they're really saying is "the best old games are better than the best new games."

Not saying they're right, though. I think that a truly dedicated gamer needs to be able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of all games without bias, be they old or new.
Thespian*: Also you can get the opposite: you pick an old game universally acclaimed (that you hadn't previously played) and you find that you can't bear its clunkyness / slowness / whatever. :D
Yes, sometimes that's how it looks like. But not that often. I have no trouble with getting used to outdated controls, interface, game design. If a game has decent story, fun gameplay or nice pixely graphics, I'm usually all in :P

I love the graphics of Ultima IV for example :P
I mostly play oldies but I do have a fair amount of newer titles. Most of them remind me of the old school tho like Doom 3, Quake 4, Wolf09, Prey, Bulletstorm, Witcher, Bloodlines, CoH, Dawn of War, etc etc.
jefequeso: I think that when people say "old games are better," what they're really saying is "the best old games are better than the best new games."
It might be this way. Old crap games are forgotten and people mostly bring up memories about the best of the best of classic gaming, and that may cause the false image of "games before were better".

I don't know if they were. What I know for sure is that old games (80s , 90s and early 00s) give me usually tons of fun, so I decided to stick to them, when it comes to PC gaming.

My best friend has a console, if I want to play something modern, and this fully satisfies my 'hunger' for newer games.

But I also watch horror movies from the 80s (and I do believe they are better than new ones), i listes to classic rock / progressive rock music, so I think I'm just a vintage type of guy :P If you may call older games "vintage".
Fuzzyfireball: I mostly play oldies but I do have a fair amount of newer titles. Most of them remind me of the old school tho like Doom 3, Quake 4, Wolf09, Prey, Bulletstorm, Witcher, Bloodlines, CoH, Dawn of War, etc etc.
Is Prey any good? And if so, where's the best place to get it (last I checked it wasn't on Steam)?
Cavalieroscuro: Let's take Final Fantasy VII,for example.You can customize your character thanks to Junction system,there are TONS of side-quests and you can free roaming to the world,discovering secrets,aquiring Guardian Forces etc.
A friend of mine lend me Final Fantasy XIII...and this game is bad,Oh,if this is bad...simply the story is ugly,and there is no exploration at all!It's like an on rail RPG,there's always one and only one road!Why with consolle like PS3 and 360 they didn't merge old mechanics with new graphic?Why it's all so simple?IT's me or the game,today,are really bad?
EC-: Final Fantasy XIII is not a good game. Sounds like you enjoy JRPGs. Here's a few current generation home runs. If you don't enjoy these, then I would say that only old games are your thing:

- The Last Story (Wii)
- Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)
- Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)
- Eternal Sonata (X360/PS3)
- Resonance of Fate (X360/PS3)
- Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
- Tales of Vesperia (X360)
I played Eternal Sonata when a friend of mine lend me,and I liked it :)
Same for Lost Odyssey,not a masterpiece but a very good game.
I hated Last Remnant,for me is simply boring.

Of new games,I really enjoyed Alan Wake,Uncharted Saga,God of War 3 (because I loved the first two and 3 has the same gameplay with better graphic) and the PS3 version of the two PSP title.
I liked much Batman Arkham Asylum and City too.
Post edited October 02, 2012 by Cavalieroscuro
Fuzzyfireball: I mostly play oldies but I do have a fair amount of newer titles. Most of them remind me of the old school tho like Doom 3, Quake 4, Wolf09, Prey, Bulletstorm, Witcher, Bloodlines, CoH, Dawn of War, etc etc.
jefequeso: Is Prey any good? And if so, where's the best place to get it (last I checked it wasn't on Steam)?
I found it very, very entertaining. Seems kinda underrated to me, lots of cool ideas like portals and gravity pads and such. Entertaining story and it looks really good. The only place I can think to get it now is Amazon or eBay.
Me neither. They're all watered down and hold your hand too much.

"Go here."
"Now press this button."
"Now go there."

Because the atmospheres are well realized, people have a false sense of immersion, when the environment in many cases is not very interactive at all.
keeveek: Yes, sometimes that's how it looks like. But not that often. I have no trouble with getting used to outdated controls, interface, game design. If a game has decent story, fun gameplay or nice pixely graphics, I'm usually all in :P

I love the graphics of Ultima IV for example :P
For me, depends on the genre and if I've played similar titles in the same years. For example, I can take almost all RTS (Dune 2 was probably my first RTS) and the same in adventure games (I started playing text adventures and later discovered graphic adventures like Maniac Mansion and Space Quest). :)

But I started playing RPGs with Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny & Baldur's Gate and find it hard to play RPGs of previous years, as I have recently discovered with RoA 1+2, to my sorrow. Not because of the graphics, but due to the clunkyness of the interface and the micromanagement of the party. Too bad!
Post edited October 02, 2012 by Thespian*
mondo84: Me neither. They're all watered down and hold your hand too much.

"Go here."
"Now press this button."
"Now go there."

"When we were young we rocket-jumped all the way to school uphill both ways, over boiling lava"

"When we were young we rocket-jumped all the way to school uphill both ways, over boiling lava"
Haha :D I do love these new games that tell you what to do in every second of the game. And you have to do it when the game says you so, because you can't proceed until you "pick up that pipe with E button"
I seem to have difficulty lately getting myself to play games that require any sort of commitment - whether to learning the game or emotional commitment to the story, but spend hours and hours on simple games.

I used to be all about long RPGs, but I've had Arcanum on GOG for years now without starting up a serious game. I've also left Geneforge 2 somewhere in the end game for months. In the meantime I've put in hundreds of hours into roguelikes.

And though it was pretty short, it took me months to get around to finishing Gemini Rue, in which time I finished every single adventure title from the AGS Bake Sale. And now I'm having difficulty getting back into Resonance for some weird reason.

And of all the recent indie bundles, the one I've finished the most games from? The Greenlight Bundle, full of iOS ports.

Am I turning into a casual gamer?
EC-: Final Fantasy XIII is not a good game. Sounds like you enjoy JRPGs. Here's a few current generation home runs. If you don't enjoy these, then I would say that only old games are your thing:

- The Last Story (Wii)
- Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)
- Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)
- Eternal Sonata (X360/PS3)
- Resonance of Fate (X360/PS3)
- Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
- Tales of Vesperia (X360)
Cavalieroscuro: I played Eternal Sonata when a friend of mine lend me,and I liked it :)
Same for Lost Odyssey,not a masterpiece but a very good game.
I hated Last Remnant,for me is simply boring.

Of new games,I really enjoyed Alan Wake,Uncharted Saga,God of War 3 (because I loved the first two and 3 has the same gameplay with better graphic) and the PS3 version of the two PSP title.
I liked much Batman Arkham Asylum and City too.
Dude I highly recommend Monster Hunter Tri if you got a Wii or if you are getting a WiiU Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, the game is BEAST!! :)
Post edited October 02, 2012 by Elmofongo
Cavalieroscuro: But simply,I can't play new titles.After some times,about 15 minutes,I'm bored and quit the game.I have TONS of "new" game to play,but I play old titles again and again,they give me fun,like Final Fantasy VIII or MGS saga,and I never bored from these.
Funny you happened to pick those two games as examples of Good Old Games, because I think I used to use them as examples of what was wrong with modern gaming (when those games were still modern).

Those games had their moments too, but overall they are not the kind of old games I remember fondly "Gee, why aren't they making games like these anymore.". Please don't. They were too much about presentation, style and high production values, over truly interesting gameplay.
Post edited October 02, 2012 by timppu
kalirion: I seem to have difficulty lately getting myself to play games that require any sort of commitment - whether to learning the game or emotional commitment to the story, but spend hours and hours on simple games.

I used to be all about long RPGs, but I've had Arcanum on GOG for years now without starting up a serious game. I've also left Geneforge 2 somewhere in the end game for months. In the meantime I've put in hundreds of hours into roguelikes.

And though it was pretty short, it took me months to get around to finishing Gemini Rue, in which time I finished every single adventure title from the AGS Bake Sale. And now I'm having difficulty getting back into Resonance for some weird reason.

And of all the recent indie bundles, the one I've finished the most games from? The Greenlight Bundle, full of iOS ports.

Am I turning into a casual gamer?
I have periods like that and it feel like they are getting more frequent.
I see it as I'm going back to my roots since I started my gaming career with mostly casual C64 games. :)