togermano: I have an OLD dos PC that I would love to put a few GOG games on. I also have a special windows 9x computer to put games on though the installer GOG uses causes it crash even though the games would work perfect on 9x. It really wouldnt cost GOG any extra to do this!
hedwards: Never going to happen, they're not going to create a new version that they have to QA for the small number of people that are going to use that rather than play on newer hardware. And that group is likely to be constantly shrinking as old hardware continues to die.
I don't see why not. All the OP is asking for is to include the original version of the DOS game. As kavazovangel points out, the installer is probably only a package that extracts the original game and DosBox. Even if it does more than that, GOG should be able to provide the unmodified original they used as a base for their own version, unless there are legal objections against it. They wouldn't have to create a new version at all, that's the whole point. (After all, if the Abandonware sites could do it for free and without any work involved, why shouldn't GOG be able to do it?)
But maybe the problem can already be solved by copying the files, as others suggested.