hedwards: The topic has come up in the past and it's not going to happen. There's support issues and in some cases licensing issues that come from providing the original files. On top of that many GOGs from the DOS/Win9x era won't even install on modern hardware due to them using a 16bit installer.
Leroux: Noone was talking about modern hardware, so in that regard I think we're talking past each other. Anyway, if GOG already made an official statement on this topic and said it wasn't going to happen, because there's serious work involved, and it's partly due to licensing issues, then that's different. I can accept that.
I specifically pointed out that old hardware is getting less and less common as time goes by and as a result there's less and less of a market for the original games. Drivers for DOS and Win 9x are getting harder and harder to come by all the time which means that unless you're hoarding replacement parts eventually those machines can and do die. Even XP era machines are getting somewhat less common as time goes by and it probably won't be too long before they're unavailable or not commonly owned.
Also, the mission of Mr. Gog here is to get old games to work on new hardware, people who want to play old games on old hardware can always just buy a copy on ebay, that was rarely an issue.