SimonG: Piracy? And I'm not kidding, the most succesful digital online shops have basically copied the pros of piracy (Amazon, GOG). They offer a hassle free (no DRM) easy to use catalogue for hard to get items available anywhere.
It's sad right, that so few have actually figured this out? It's so simple: offer everything but the price benefit from piracy (easy availability and access) and add some extra things like a permanent locker/shelf/whatever, syncing options, I don't know, anything to *improve* on what piracy offers, and you're good. But noooo: from an article about Game of Thrones piracy:
HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass – a “temporary phenomenon” tied to the down economy.
It's like they're actively trying to not make money.
(article: )