carnival73: Is it the 28th in America yet?
Nevermind 3pm West Coast - 28th - They're releasing this today, right?
Nevermind again - 29th - 9 more hours to go.
The previous bundles launched at 11am EDT. So likely around 15 more hours to go, assuming they stick to the same schedule.
Navagon: Unfortunately Twitter isn't known for its idiot repelling qualities.
Too true. Their Facebook page is even worse. I've never understood why Facebook, the one place people are posting under their real names and thus do not have the anonymity of the internet to hide behind, has such a massive amount of complete morons on the fan pages. It almost disproves the GIFT principle.
carnival73: Going by others guesses, I'm guessing the four Boss Baddie games but I'm hoping for something that retails for more normally.
It's pretty obvious we're getting Really Big Sky, but I don't think we're getting a developer specific bundle. I've just got this gut feeling.
We'll see soon if I'm wrong.