nimbo77: On Syberia I'd like to add a few cents regarding Syberia. While I can, to a certain extent, agree that the plot and puzzles aren't among the strongest in the genre, I'd say that this game is all about the world and the assosciations it evokes. The fantastical possibilities that arise in your mind as a result of taking in the scenes weigh at least as much as what occurs in the game itself. Put in plain language, it really triggers the imagination.
- oldschool mechanical toys
- art deco/art nouveau
- steampunk
- early Russian space exploration/kosmonauts
- the Stone Age/shamanism (Syberia 2)
If you find at least a couple of the above themes intriguing, chances are, you're going to get something out of these games. Because, in my view, they are the "gestalt" of the Syberia experience, all presented through the childlike psyche of Hans Voralberg, the object of your quest.
Apologies are in order if this post reads too much like an acid trip. And yes, I'm a fan. (of the games, that is:)
You rascal... Too many varying opinions!