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crdy123: I have never played Syberia but I have heard good things about it.

Now has anyone played gangland? I'm wondering about buying it
I haven't played it, but my friend did. According to him, the game's biggest problem is repetitiveness.

So if that scares you, I guess you could pass for now. Maybe it'll go on a sale at some point?
Profanity: Huh, thanks for the answers. I have plenty of adventure games to play trough, I just thought this one was something extraordinary.
I have played adventure games since the early 90's. Gabriel Knight, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Myst, etc.

I bought Syberia back when it came out after playing the demo for it, the demo pulled me in and made me want to explore more of that world/story.

It did not disappoint me at all.

Syberia is one of these adventure games that can drag you into it's world. It has a very very great story, great atmosphere and variety to it's locations. The characters are well done and especially the three main character (kate, whom you play, Oscar, and Hans).

It's just one of those games for me that I'll remember all my life, the story/characters, etc.

The gameplay itself is your standard point and click adenture with pixel hunting, puzzles, etc. It's the story, art design, and characters that make Syberia and very well loved series.

I liked this game better then even the highly rated The Longest Journey, which came out near it.

Both are great games, but I just felt more emotion with the storyline of Syberia.

I recommend the game highly if you enjoy adventure games. , especially ones that focus on rich and deep story/characters. It's a mature adventure game with a more mature story/emotions behind it, it's not comedy/quirky or anything really.

At least give the demo a try, see how you enjoy it.
I've been looking at Final Fantasy XIII and Alpha Protocol, would be nice if someone could offer an opinion on either game.

Also I'd like to try the Generals series. Is Panzer General 2 a good place to start?
I want to buy the first Gabriel Knight but I want to know if is worth the time
wormholewizards: That's sound pretty bad. If the game are broken, then they have no excuse.
There are people who really do like MoO3. I will say upfront that I am decidedly not one of them. Those who do like it swear that, after installing the user made patches and mods to fix its bugs and the worst gameplay issues, if you spend many, many hours playing the game you will discover that it is a really deep strategy gem. Frankly though, for all the reasons stated already by others, I am not sure if this is an acquired taste worth acquiring. Even divorcing the game from its antecedents, I found it to be a really poorly thought-out game when I played it.
l0rdtr3k: I want to buy the first Gabriel Knight but I want to know if is worth the time
I just finished it. The graphics are atrocious. The sound is pretty bad as well, but the voice acting is quite good... its a fantastic game outside of the near-atari graphics. Its a shame they couldn't get leah remini to voice all 3 games. :(

But the game really shines at plot and story delivery. It also sets up the final 2 games which are better on the eyes (especially the 3rd). When I first joined GoG, the only way to buy that game in retail packaging was for over $100.00 (U.S) from Amazon. Same for RealMyst... they were my first two purchases ;)

Highly recommend for some great gaming nostalgia... this one goes in the hall of fame.
Alright, Might & Magic IX. Yay or nay?
tarangwydion: Alright, Might & Magic IX. Yay or nay?
Nay. IMO the biggest nail into the M&M RPG Francise coffin. Loved the previous ones, tried IX two times. First when I bought it retail (saw it in the shop, got it with a "Wohoo, new M&M, cant do anything wrong with it" attitude) tried to like it for two or three hours before deinstalling in frustation. Second time when I heard that there is somebody who knows someone who like it a few years later with a more open mind... lasted about an hour to 2nd deinstallation. It totally lacks M&Ms soul & spirit IMO.
Post edited November 15, 2011 by anothername
tarangwydion: Alright, Might & Magic IX. Yay or nay?
anothername: Nay. IMO the biggest nail into the M&M RPG Francise coffin. Loved the previous ones, tried IX two times. First when I bought it retail (saw it in the shop, got it with a "Wohoo, new M&M, cant do anything wrong with it" attitude) tried to like it for two or three hours before deinstalling in frustation. Second time when I heard that there is somebody who knows someone who like it a few years later with a more open mind... lasted about an hour to 2nd deinstallation. It totally lacks M&Ms soul & spirit IMO.
You know, I've tried Might and Magic games, can't remember which ones. But I can't seem to ever get into them, I kind of have trouble keeping track of what's happening where. And the combat, am I doing something wrong, or is this combat system just horrible?

I must be missing something, what makes it so special to everyone.
I like this topic.

I am thinking of knocking off some games off my wishlist such as the Spellforce games cause they look interesting. Any opinions on those?
l0rdtr3k: I want to buy the first Gabriel Knight but I want to know if is worth the time
hucklebarry: I just finished it. The graphics are atrocious. The sound is pretty bad as well, but the voice acting is quite good... its a fantastic game outside of the near-atari graphics. Its a shame they couldn't get leah remini to voice all 3 games. :(

But the game really shines at plot and story delivery. It also sets up the final 2 games which are better on the eyes (especially the 3rd). When I first joined GoG, the only way to buy that game in retail packaging was for over $100.00 (U.S) from Amazon. Same for RealMyst... they were my first two purchases ;)

Highly recommend for some great gaming nostalgia... this one goes in the hall of fame.
I have a slightly different take than hucklebarry on this one. The graphics - for it's time - are completely standard, not atrocious at all. The voice acting on the other hand... while most voices are good, the main character's horribly strained southern accent is horrendous. And that's the one you hear the most. Tim Curry is a fine actor, but completely miscast in the role of Gabriel Knight. Also, the narrator voice gets real old, real fast, but luckily you can turn that off.

On plot and story delivery, however, I am in complete agreement, and will add that the dialog is also very well written. You can tell there's a lot of research behind the script, and you'll gain an interesting insight into the world of voodoo, or voudoun. Voices can be turned off if you don't like them, and you'll soon get used to the low resolution graphics, but the story remains the same. It's simply a kickass occult detective thriller with a lot of passion, sometimes funny, sometimes creepy as hell.

Among the most mature Sierra adventure titles, it's a landmark in adventure game history (at least according to me), and I'd definitely recommend picking it up if you're interested in that kind of thing.
Profanity: The real reason for this thread is me wanting to hear about Syberia. I keep hearing great things about it, that it's starting to look fishy. I'd love to hear your opinions about it.
If you're already this interested, why not give it a try? It's cheaper than lunch anyway.
anothername: Nay. IMO the biggest nail into the M&M RPG Francise coffin. Loved the previous ones, tried IX two times. First when I bought it retail (saw it in the shop, got it with a "Wohoo, new M&M, cant do anything wrong with it" attitude) tried to like it for two or three hours before deinstalling in frustation. Second time when I heard that there is somebody who knows someone who like it a few years later with a more open mind... lasted about an hour to 2nd deinstallation. It totally lacks M&Ms soul & spirit IMO.
Profanity: You know, I've tried Might and Magic games, can't remember which ones. But I can't seem to ever get into them, I kind of have trouble keeping track of what's happening where. And the combat, am I doing something wrong, or is this combat system just horrible?

I must be missing something, what makes it so special to everyone.
Hmm... lot of time passed since I had my last serious M&M playtrough. But since I neither remember the quests/tracking of them or the combat overly complicated (and mostly used the same mechanics in every title) I assume it might just not your type of game. Maybe ask around in the M&M subforum, ppl there have much fresher memorys.

Maybe its age related. I kind of grew up with them. Don't know if they could enthrall me the same way now like they did back then if I had never played them before. Probably not.
Profanity: You know, I've tried Might and Magic games, can't remember which ones. But I can't seem to ever get into them, I kind of have trouble keeping track of what's happening where. And the combat, am I doing something wrong, or is this combat system just horrible?

I must be missing something, what makes it so special to everyone.
I have the same opinion.
deshadow52: I like this topic.

I am thinking of knocking off some games off my wishlist such as the Spellforce games cause they look interesting. Any opinions on those?
I personally don't find them particularly amazing, but I've only played the second one and I didn't play long. It's like a not quite as good Warcraft 3, but with more Action RPG elements (though it still has lots of RTS battles). I could see someone who loves fantasy RTS and ARPG games getting a kick out of it.