Profanity: Huh, thanks for the answers. I have plenty of adventure games to play trough, I just thought this one was something extraordinary.
I have played adventure games since the early 90's. Gabriel Knight, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Myst, etc.
I bought Syberia back when it came out after playing the demo for it, the demo pulled me in and made me want to explore more of that world/story.
It did not disappoint me at all.
Syberia is one of these adventure games that can drag you into it's world. It has a very very great story, great atmosphere and variety to it's locations. The characters are well done and especially the three main character (kate, whom you play, Oscar, and Hans).
It's just one of those games for me that I'll remember all my life, the story/characters, etc.
The gameplay itself is your standard point and click adenture with pixel hunting, puzzles, etc. It's the story, art design, and characters that make Syberia and very well loved series.
I liked this game better then even the highly rated The Longest Journey, which came out near it.
Both are great games, but I just felt more emotion with the storyline of Syberia.
I recommend the game highly if you enjoy adventure games. , especially ones that focus on rich and deep story/characters. It's a mature adventure game with a more mature story/emotions behind it, it's not comedy/quirky or anything really.
At least give the demo a try, see how you enjoy it.