grynn.: Oooh i'm stealing games worth 2$ ... call the authorities ooooh
Let me tell you something, grynn.. The way you're acting is immature, and like previously stated, will get you nowhere in life. If you think that taking a game (or a bundle of games, as you were going to con out of me), even if it is $2, is still a game. This game could provide enjoyment in times of need, or provide a sense of escape into something in which the developers intended it to be. These games could of been given to someone who desperately wanted it, who could not afford it normally. So please, just stop.
After writing this, I feel like I'm just falling on deaf ears here. You aren't going to read this and think, "Whoa, maybe I do need to stop, and refund the games to their owners." You are just going to carry on your ways, like this never happened. So don't let me stop you. Let the hundreds, if not thousands, of GOG users who see the best in people that you have shown that you can also be a total d*ckhead in these circumstances, stop you.
I call upon you aformentioned GOG users to band together and unite against a common foe like this. I feel assured that no GOG user will hesitate to rally round the standard of his insulted site in defense of that freedom and independence achieved by the wisdom of sages and consecrated by the blood of heroes (Thomas Jefferson, abridged).
In these tough economic times, there are people who want to get away from the world and live life in another world, or reminisque about days gone by, and GOG helps with that. These forums are home to a number of people who wish to do good or to call upon the good faith in others to help those in need. Those people are apalled by your actions, and the actions of others like you. I know for one, that people like you will never stop as long as humanity acts the way it does. I think, even if there is the slightest glimmer of hope in this world, that there is a way to call upon your better nature and stop these acts upon these forums. With that, I wish you a good night, and may a higher power mave mercy on what insignificant thing you call a soul.