GameRager: It's as bad as putting kids(young adults) in jail for smoking a few serves to do nothing to deter them, is used mostly to fill the prisons with cheap labor and push voter/lobbyist agendas & collect fines, and is a mostly victimless "crime".
I've got mixed feelings about pot, but for small amounts it makes no sense to prosecute.
Back in college, my school had a deal with the local prosecutor's office to handle first offenses on campus internally, and not refer them over to the prosecutors office until the second offense. It was a problem because of the sheer number and the ability of the prosecutors office to handle the volume of minor offenses.
Looking the other way wasn't an option just due to the fact that fatal overdoses typically involve people that were already on the radar from the campus police.
During my time at college, you'd smell pot pretty much everywhere, but apart from one incident involving bad shrooms and another where a classmates roomated ODed on ludes, there weren't many serious drug related problems on campus.