orcishgamer: Well, I was done until I saw the OGRE one. I don't think another video game one could pull me in just now, but OGRE is special (and not a video game). I'll likely fund any Car Wars one that SJG sets up (as they've promised to do) but it looks like that one is off in the future somewhat.
Carbon Grey was the only one I did on a whim, the rest were either sequels to franchises that were pretty important to me (and I think the only one left in that group is Bard's Tale) and, in the case of Grim Dawn, projects I'd been following for awhile.
I have spent a ton on KS projects, but not enough to break my bank or anything.
I was done until I saw conquest 2. But I canceled one of the other ones I'm involved with to get the money.
Probably the hardest part of all this is that I can afford to do tons of KS pledges, I just don't have the means of paying for any more than I've already done. Converting RMB to USD isn't particularly easy to do right now.
I think I'm going to just stop logging into KS and just watch my projects via kicktraqer