La-Mulana 2 hit four of the stretch goals
* Curry Party - The whole La-Mulana 2 team will sit together and have a curry party live on Twitch.TV.
* Curry Hell - La-Mulana 2 director Takumi Naramura will eat curry three times a day for three days.
* Father's Diary - this will fill in the gap of what happened between La-Mulana 1 and La-Mulana 2
* Monster Guide - this will include an in-game bestiary in the final product
and is only less then 5,000 from hitting the fourth stretch goal: Monster Guide but there is also only 2 hours left. Playism and Nigoro are going to host a live stream later tonight/tomorrow(depending on your time zone) at 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Japanese time on the first part(11:00 am to 12:00 PM) will have La-mulana 2 director Takumi Naramura play through the La-mulana 2 demo
the second part(12:00 - 1:00 pm) will have the La-Mulana 2 development team doing a Q&A with the chat