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I used to play lot of Anarchy Online and still got my AO account active and payed even though I have not played in few years now. I keep trying to go back there but don't really have much motivation anymore. :/ Getting BoC after months of grinding kinda left me with nothing to achieve there anymore.
Everquest 2 is now F2p. If anyone is interested.
Lego Universe is my latest choice of drug, perfect for the 5-year-old who's not yet mature enough for World of Warcraft, or the "adult" with the mind of a 5-year-old. It's in closed beta though, so you can't get the kids addicted just yet.
Post edited August 03, 2010 by Miaghstir
Magnus: Everquest 2 is now F2p. If anyone is interested.

"Sorry, your account is not authorized to access EverQuest II® Extended at this time."
I guess it's only free in america.
MMORPGs are a waste of money.
MMORPGS are full of stupid assholes mimicking their real-life asshole-ness.
MMORPGS are plain stupid.
MMORPGS are destined to die a dire death in a few years (or maybe months) while I'm still playing Ghosts'n Goblins (1985) right now.
MMORPGS are the worst idea game designers ever had. Fuck you Lord British :-)
So yeah, I won't play a single MMORPG for the time being. And beyond....
KingofGnG: MMORPGs are a waste of money.
MMORPGS are full of stupid assholes mimicking their real-life asshole-ness.
MMORPGS are plain stupid.
MMORPGS are destined to die a dire death in a few years (or maybe months) while I'm still playing Ghosts'n Goblins (1985) right now.
MMORPGS are the worst idea game designers ever had. Fuck you Lord British :-)
So yeah, I won't play a single MMORPG for the time being. And beyond....

And that's all the reasons I love 4chan!
In all seriousness a MMO was made to play games with your friends and meet new ones, sure some communities are full of trolls, asshats, and 11 year olds (*ChoughRunescapeChough*) but that's true about almost any community, as long as you try to make friends with a small group of nice people then you'll be fine.
As for the waste of money... Depends on the term "waste" as for the years I played WoW, Guild Wars, CoX, and yes, even Runescape when I was young (Hell it was what got me into MMORPGs.) any money I paid was worth it to enjoy a great game with friends and make new ones along the way, hell 15$ a month was even more then what I was spending on D&D books a month.
Oh and Lord British made Ultima... And went into space to preform a frakkin' wedding. In my book those are both awesome.
VainVair: In all seriousness a MMO was made to play games with your friends and meet new ones, sure some communities are full of trolls, asshats, and 11 year olds (*ChoughRunescapeChough*) but that's true about almost any community, as long as you try to make friends with a small group of nice people then you'll be fine.

Sick and tired of making "friends" on-line. You make friends by looking at their face, not on a stupid screen in a virtual world with a virtual name.
VainVair: As for the waste of money... Depends on the term "waste" as for the years I played WoW, Guild Wars, CoX, and yes, even Runescape when I was young (Hell it was what got me into MMORPGs.) any money I paid was worth it to enjoy a great game with friends and make new ones along the way, hell 15$ a month was even more then what I was spending on D&D books a month.

Good for you, but I prefer to spend a FIXED amount of money to play a game, not a damn monthly tax to have fun with.
VainVair: Oh and Lord British made Ultima... And went into space to preform a frakkin' wedding. In my book those are both awesome.

Yeah, he made Ultima on-line too, the "granddaddy" of all the MMORPGs. So he shall burn in hell imho...
KingofGnG: Yeah, he made Ultima on-line too, the "granddaddy" of all the MMORPGs. So he shall burn in hell imho...

So someone makes a game (a frakkin' long and tiresome job, mind you) puts their heart and soul into it and it inspires others to go out and try it as well, they then try just as much to make the game fun for a mass amount of people... And you think they need to burn in hell? Well imho they will be talked about for all eternity and be revered for creating a game that spawned not only a slew of great MMORPGs but also re-define role playing in a general. Before yeah there were some CRPGs that let you act out your fantasies but you never really were able to role play with other people on them, just by yourself. Then MMOs came and now you can be whatever you want for less then a book a month.
Oh and as for the friends online V.S. friends in real life. I believe that people online show their true colors more then people in real life, thus most of my online friends are much more open and fun to be with then my other so called friends.
While KingofGnG's opinions are a bit extreme, I do agree with him in principle at least. MMOs are a horrible blight on the gaming universe, a waste of an incredible amount of time and money and the worst thing to happen to gaming since someone decided a typing tutorial game would be fun. Never mind the roving groups of douchebags in every single MMO that always manage to ruin even a semblance of fun, the fact that MMOs even exist is downright offensive. They are the ultimate form of DRM and a symbol of the extreme greed that has crept into the gaming industry; a game that only works if you subscribe to it and continue paying for it month after month. The worst part is, all the people who keep paying for it. You all do realize that every single MMO is exactly the same game, just with different graphics (token "creativity") don't you? If you only paid for the game once, I might understand why they are all the same (the FPS effect "Oh look, another WWII FPS game, I bet that will sell well"), but you are each paying a monthly fee, up to hundreds of dollars a year, for the same game play, same grinding, same douchebags... how can you possibly tolerate that? To me that is like paying someone to smash your balls with a brick once a day; it makes no sense whatsoever and sounds extremely uncomfortable.
Before anyone pulls the whole "You don't understand, you don't play MMOs", I have tried Everquest, Earth and Beyond, City of Heroes, WoW, EVE, several "free to play, pay to win" ones... even participated in the beta test of Final Fantasy XI. The only one that seemed even remotely original was EVE... and it is freakin' boring! The rest were all just clones of each other with the settings and visuals altered (sometimes... often the settings are completely indistinguishable). None of them has ever made me say "Wow, not only do I want to keep playing this game with all these wonderful other players online, I also want to keep paying for it like it is a household utility" Usually it is more like "What the fuck is this pile of bullshit!? People pay money for this kind of torture? Somebody was paid to make this vomitous mass? And people actually like it!? What the hell is wrong with all of you?"
One thing that I can't understand about MMORPGs is that as a ordinary RPG they would fail miserably. For some strange reason MMORPG players put up with and seem to love "features" they would scream about in any other game.
Two things is endless grinding and dependence on factors you can't control to succeed. I could make a list but anyone that have played a MMORPG know a long list of such things.
Some of those features is not strange at all if you think about MMORPGs as a moneysink. They are simply designed so that people have to play a lot and for a much longer time than ordinary games to get somewhere. This is usually what gets me to quit them. I get mad at the money hungry company that is slobbering for my money.
Yes I like MMORPGs but only for a while. Sooner or later one of those things bug me enough to make me quit.
I used to play WoW, but I fought the addiction and turned to cocaine instead (just kidding!).
I do have to fight the urge to go out and buy a game card, but I've been "sober" for about a year now.