KingofGnG: MMORPGs are a waste of money.
MMORPGS are full of stupid assholes mimicking their real-life asshole-ness.
MMORPGS are plain stupid.
MMORPGS are destined to die a dire death in a few years (or maybe months) while I'm still playing Ghosts'n Goblins (1985) right now.
MMORPGS are the worst idea game designers ever had. Fuck you Lord British :-)
So yeah, I won't play a single MMORPG for the time being. And beyond....
And that's all the reasons I love 4chan!
In all seriousness a MMO was made to play games with your friends and meet new ones, sure some communities are full of trolls, asshats, and 11 year olds (*ChoughRunescapeChough*) but that's true about almost any community, as long as you try to make friends with a small group of nice people then you'll be fine.
As for the waste of money... Depends on the term "waste" as for the years I played WoW, Guild Wars, CoX, and yes, even Runescape when I was young (Hell it was what got me into MMORPGs.) any money I paid was worth it to enjoy a great game with friends and make new ones along the way, hell 15$ a month was even more then what I was spending on D&D books a month.
Oh and Lord British made Ultima... And went into space to preform a frakkin' wedding. In my book those are both awesome.