Mentalepsy: You know what I don't get?
Remember Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, the GnG sequel for PS2? When it came out, everyone was all "ohhhh it's so hard I can't believe it I hate myself how could Capcom be so mean."
Wha? The game was actually kinda easy, I thought...
Did the reviewers say that just because of its GnG heritage? Did Capcom nudge them to say that just because of its GnG heritage?
Don't get me wrong, it was a pretty fun game, but difficult, not really.
Honestly, there weren't really any decent 3d action/platform games until DMC (Capcom saving videogames once again), so you had a real lot of people who had never played or given up on platform games. '01,'02 were when the first really good 3d platform games (ICO, Rygar, DMC) came out.
3d platforming as an evolution of the 2d action/platformer (rather than an adventure/platform game like Soul Reaver or Tomb Raider, for instance or the mario style games) really only started then.