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Blarg: Every month you wait will make it harder.
bansama: I don't buy into that school of thought. I do however believe that if you try to force them to learn something they *really* don't want to learn (such as English) then you'll piss them off enough to the point that they will despise it for life.

I've seen exactly that when I used to teach. People who wanted to learn actively learnt and improved regardless of their age. Those who didn't want to learn, didn't improve one single bit. They just ended up resenting it all and annoying everyone else.
What school of thought? It is how humans are, when they are young they learn better and faster. The older they get, the more the process slow down. When they are very young, they learn the language without even knowing, when they grow up, the actively try to learn it. Huge difference.

I am not telling you how to teach your kids, don't take it wrong, but I don't know you and I don't mind if you or your kids speak any language, I am just saying that just because you don't agree with certain practice, it doesn't make it false.

The younger the human, the easier he/she learns a language. It's not a hypothesis, it's fact.
I agree with bansama. +1 rep given for being a good parent.

I have Usher's Syndrome... Basically means I'm deaf and going blind. I found out "properly" when I was 13 and this woman from the blind society came to the high school and tried to force me to learn braille. I was in complete denial at the time and fought her every single step of the way. After nearly a year, she gave up and we both ended up miserable.

I have a strange reluctance still to learning braille, even though I KNOW I SHOULD just in case. I wish she'd actually taken a better path to teaching me braille - perhaps by doing some proper homework HERSELF such as finding out truly amazing and inspiring deaf blind people (yeah yeah, I know who Helen Keller is and have known since I was like, seven but my point is I was young, vulnerable and in a lot of pain. I needed role models.) who had battled impossible odds to succeed.

I know that it's a "fact" that kids learn faster when they're young, but have you ever considered that it's more due to them being EXPOSED to the language rather than "taught" it? I.e. parents and peers speaking it all the time - you automatically pick that up. That's very different to sitting them down and trying to force them to LEARN something.

That's just my 2c though.
trusteft: What school of thought? It is how humans are, when they are young they learn better and faster.
I've meet enough children to know that this is simply not true for everyone when it comes to a second language. In fact, it can lead to said children growing up without a real grasp of either language. And yes, I've met a fair few such people in my life.

Anyhow, this is going way off-topic.
World of Warcraft

They have psychiatrists on board that work to make the game more and more compelling; to keep you in the game and to keep you paying.

They have an item in the game called Carrot on a Stick. It let you travel 3% faster on your mount. It was actually them making fun of thier own game. In order to get the carrot on a stick you had to do a string of quests that led you clear accross the world. When you got the finally got the item that let you ring the gong, then you and your party could kill the monster that completed the quest. (Now, you don't have to do that questline to get the carrot. And the carrot is now only good til you reach level 60.)

There is a website for wow addiction called wowdetox. There are over 40000 posts from people whose lives were ruined or nearly so.

It's the only game that I have tried to quit playing.
And I keep playing.
Post edited October 04, 2010 by Sadnasser
Singleplayer: Daggerfall, Morrowind.
MOO3 can take forever + a day.

No one said the game had to be enjoyable...
For me, it's a tie between Minecraft and X3.

Some flight sims come to mind too - Falcon 4, mostly. If you play it as it should be played (without time acceleration), it is *very* time consuming.
I just spent a few hours playing X-Com without even realizing it.
lotr-sam0711: Morrowind. I could play that game for hours and not do a single quest, just spend all my time exploring the world and checking out all kind of nooks and crannies I'd discover in the world.
Morrowind for me as well. Spent a whole summer on it, 10-12 hours per day. :good times:
Post edited October 04, 2010 by hyperagathon
lotr-sam0711: Morrowind. I could play that game for hours and not do a single quest, just spend all my time exploring the world and checking out all kind of nooks and crannies I'd discover in the world.
I'm playing Morrowind since it's release here in Europe almost every day. My favorite RPG ever...
TES III: Morrowind for sure. Still play that game sometimes. Haven't finsihed the mainquest though. There are so many possibilities and also alot of mods.
Drakensang: The Dark Eye is also time consuming and D&D like games like neverwinter nights 2.
Myst franchise is also time consuming. Having myself Myst III Exile and Myst V End of Ages. The puzzling in it takes some time.
Space Rangers 2 can eat up chunks of time if you are not careful...
Sacred, Vice City, Morrowind, Soldat.
If we're talking MMO's - Guild Wars (see screenshot).
gw001.jpg (17 Kb)
alexei_net: Sacred, Vice City, Morrowind, Soldat.
If we're talking MMO's - Guild Wars (see screenshot).
Holy. Shit.

That's some epic time clocked. I've been tempted to try Guild Wars for SOOOO long - best thing is no monthly fees! But... is the gameplay GOOD?
Virama: Holy. Shit.

That's some epic time clocked. I've been tempted to try Guild Wars for SOOOO long - best thing is no monthly fees! But... is the gameplay GOOD?
Yeah, I like it (obviously :D).