Crassmaster: So...all of this crap going on in your country, and a game is what you complain about?
Dude...MOVE. :)
Of course, what do you expect me to do? I've done my military service but still serving reservist every year. I could bring a rifle to the city if I wanted to, but the last guy who tried got 9 years because his GF left him. The only way I can get back at them is through voting and lots and lots of angry postings on the Internet directed at the government. I'm denied voting. So it's always hello games, since the 80s.
I don't wanna migrate, family and friends.
sink257: Also I have come to realise the head honchos over here probably watch too much fox news or something...
Haha, welcome! Some people in GAX is pissing me off to no end. I like posting here.
Yeah, they watch shitty FOX. Then they go eat their thousand dollar Mee Siam Mai Hum for dinner.
lowyhong: Well, I guess this is it. Cya in jail, cw8!
I'll buying lottery for the first 4 digits of my prisoner plate number.
Anyways, they unbanned Mafia 2 already. It's coming to our shores. Pretty lucky I got the news before I got the game on Steam.