Crosmando: What? The Gold Box series was amazing, and were actually more "open" than the Baldur's Gate series in which you created 1 character at the beginning (not a party), and you could only pick up pre-set companions, and followed a pretty much linear story. Gold Box games were more open-ended, and the combat was more tactical.
Ravenloft 1/2 and Menzobarrenzan weren't great, but OK, Eye of the Beholder series with the exception of 3 were great if a little simple and clicky.
The only outright "bad" pre-BG D&D games would probably be Descent to Undermountain, the "Silver Box" arcadey games (which were horrible) and Hillsfar.
I tried to get into pre-Ravenloft/Menzobarrenzan D&D games, but couldn't get beyond the abysmal GUI and graphics, Eye of the Beholder excepted.
Otherwise, I found the above games had a decent story, decent dialogue and were highly atmospheric (probably worth playing at least a bit for the feel of it... I got into the AD&D Ravenloft campaign setting based on those games and am an avid fan of that setting to this day), but had incredibly dull and repetitive gameplay. I'm trying to think off the top of my head of any memorable gameplay moment not directly tied to the story or some pre-scripted even from the Ravenloft games and can't.
The most memorably battle sequence from Menzoberranzan was when Drizzt tumbled off a wall to kill a gnoll in his initial intro and that was a pre-scripted sequence. I also remember fondly the pre-scripted event where an elf that joined your party polymorphs into Aboleth form and attacks you.