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So a bit about me, I really didn't date until my early 20's (I even missed most of my high school dances) when I got to college. Pretty much even at that point, I've not been the most confident or socially able person. I got rejected hard on a few occasions. I didn't get into a serious relationship until my mid 20's and after a few years that didn't work out. It wasn't until my mid 30's I met someone very special. She was an old crush that rejected back when I was in college. It's not all roses, we have are arguments, we get judged by others who have so called "traditional" relationships (we have a child together and aren't married). That being said she makes me happy and I make her happy.

So a few tips that might help you start out;

1) Improve yourself - Get those hobbies going, keep yourself in good hygiene, try and give yourself style (add some stylin clothes), get an exercise routine going. Try and build confidence in yourself, challenge yourself if you can.

2) Figure out what type of person you want to be with - make a list of qualities the person must have (be it physical, mental or whatever). Divide the qualities into "must haves" and "would be nice to have but don't have to". Choose the must haves carefully before sticking to it hard. You don't want to lose out on a good partner just because they don't love orange juice. Remember this is a tool, not a rule.

3) Learn about how attraction works and how to read body language - There are a lot of useful sites on the subject and if your studying psychology, you'll have a leg up on this. One I found especially helpful was A few of the forum members there went on to write different books (legitly published) on the subject.

3) Socialize more - visit friends especially the ones that know a lot of people, say hi once in awhile to a pretty lady, maybe make small talk at the store if you can.

4) Don't be afraid to ask someone to meet up with you on a small date - Like asking to see someone at a coffee shop or grab lunch with or go out to a park with. Remember this should be a very casual event you feel relaxed going to. Maybe go check out a new hobby shop together or video game store. Base the outing on similar interests you have.

5) Remember to have fun on dates - When first going out with someone the last thing on your mind should be how long term things will be. You should be having fun. With each date, try and find out what your partner values and continue seeing the person if it appeals to you or don't if things aren't panning out. Let serious come on it's own and naturally. You can't force commitment, it has to be something you and your partner come together on. With each date and knowledge you get of your partner, you'll be able to figure out if you want to go for the long haul with them or just have fun. One caveat to this is you have to be honest with yourself and your partner. Do not tell your partner one thing and do another.

Some points to ponder; marriage in the state, outside of helping with taxes and property assignment in the event of death, doesn't mean anything. It's how you feel about your partner and how your partner feels about you. The "marriage" will be there before the ceremony begins, it's your decision if you want state recognition and a big party to celebrate the union.
Post edited January 31, 2014 by Trajhenkhetlive
Momo1991: Um, can I just say that statistically married men live a lot longer than non-married men? Sheesh, it's no wonder that they do. A wife has a vested interest in their husband living longer - well at least it's someone to take the trash out to the curb on a regular basis ;-p - by simply feeding him and making sure he goes to the doctor on a regular basis. And one cannot discount the companionship factor...
Aveweto: someone shoulda told that to my ex-wife lol, she actually didnt seem to be too concerned if im gonna live longer than her :P
Well since my husband makes me very, very happy, I actually want to make sure he sticks around for as long as is humanly possible! Might I say that some of his body parts are MOST excellent and I'd really, really miss them? ;-p
Niggles: Well im surprised. You always sound like your 21 :P
In my dreams, in my dreams... ;-)
Post edited January 31, 2014 by Momo1991
Aveweto: someone shoulda told that to my ex-wife lol, she actually didnt seem to be too concerned if im gonna live longer than her :P
Momo1991: Well since my husband makes me very, very happy, I actually want to make sure he sticks around for as long as is humanly possible! Might I say that some of his body parts are MOST excellent and I'd really, really miss them? ;-p

In my dreams, in my dreams... ;-)
that sounds so perverted, i like it :)
Married, overweight gamer girl here.

You know what's attractive? Happy people are attractive!
If you project that you're feeling good about yourself, people like to be around you. That even applies if you're often a negative cynic.
Have a look at yourself, realize that you're just wonderfully yourself and go meet people. :-)

I just saw most of my friends getting married in the last years most of them different degrees of gamers, nerds, geeks, role players, LARPers etc., and a good chunk of them in their 30s. (We still need a match for a furry friend of mine though.) And I've heard most of them (if not all) lament at some point in the past that they'll never find such a love.

So, go, be a happy person, have fun and enjoy life. Because that feels good and makes you attractive.
Post edited January 31, 2014 by Piranjade
Nice drops. +1
hedwards: So, we tend to look for love online.

Unfortunately, that makes the problem of appearance even more problematic as the profile picture will usually be seen before they've actually had a chance to read the profile. Whereas in real life, there's at least some hope of seeing personality first.
Momo1991: I met my second husband online... We did not exchange photos until we'd gotten to know each other but that wouldn't necessarily have deterred me. See I tend to distrust "good-looking" guys... and my first AND second husband are never going to win any contests in the looks department. Ultimately it is ALL about who the guy is - and angry, unhappy guys that smell of "women as my punching bag for all that is wrong with my life" need not apply. And that has ZERO to do with looks.

Let me put it another way, a man that is confident in who he is is VERY attractive to women. He may show dominance when he drives but he always leaves a tip no matter how bad the service is (well unless the waiter is rude to his date and then he asks to speak to the manager. But when he speaks to the manager, he holds his temper and simply explains why he won't be leaving a tip.)

Does that make any kind of sense? Because if a man cannot hold his temper then only the kind of woman he's going to land is one that is certain to break his heart... but of course this is all about self-fulfilling prophecies at least in my experience.
The two of you are better people than most.

I tend to avoid profiles without pictures because they're more likely to be married, in a relationship or not taking the process seriously. I get enough crap from married women and women that are in "committed" relationships in real life that I'm not really willing to deal with a profile that doesn't even have a headshot attached to it.

Women do tend to like powerful men, but not always in the conventional way. Good looks, money, brains and brawn
are all ways in which people exert power in the world. I remember having plenty of women trying to hit on me when I worked security, and I was wearing an ill fitting polyester suit at the time. Apparently walking around like you own a several hundred million dollar building is a turn on to some folks.
angrypole: It is hard to pursue a woman with such shallow convictions and personalities.
well, you do right in NOT pursuing such persons.. When it comes to finding "the better part", it is better to wait a decade or even to rather than rush along just because someone wants to have relationship for sake of relationship..

Seriously, find the right person may take long or short time - but in either case its nothing to stress about.

Only way to "speed up" is to simply meet more people. Get hobbies for the sake of having good hobbies and you never know when you meet like minded interesting people.
angrypole: It is hard to pursue a woman with such shallow convictions and personalities.
iippo: well, you do right in NOT pursuing such persons.. When it comes to finding "the better part", it is better to wait a decade or even to rather than rush along just because someone wants to have relationship for sake of relationship..

Seriously, find the right person may take long or short time - but in either case its nothing to stress about.

Only way to "speed up" is to simply meet more people. Get hobbies for the sake of having good hobbies and you never know when you meet like minded interesting people.
To an extent yes, but there reaches a point where waiting gets to be absurd. I didn't used to regret waiting, but now I'm in my mid 30s having literally had more marriage proposals than dates, and I do regret not having had the odd fling when I was younger, even if they didn't meet any reasonable standards.

But, I made my choices. I decided to go to college a couple years early and miss out on dating in high school. Then I chose to be honest with myself about my sexual orientation. And then I chose to boycott the whole damned system and after a while that all adds up.

But, then again, I do have a message in one of my online dating profiles from a real person and most of what I missed out on was bullshit anyways, so yeah, not really sure what my point there was.
Momo1991: Um, can I just say that statistically married men live a lot longer than non-married men?
Crosmando: And I wonder why, seeing as pretty much every government on the planet discriminates against men (and women) who are single, due to the massively disproportionate tax incentives, generous welfare schemes and the like which are only available to married couples.

If anything this rapidly hyper-social society is anti-singles, and does everything in it's power to try and lure, force and shame people into getting into a relationship/married, whether they like it or not.

Sheesh, it's no wonder that they do. A wife has a vested interest in their husband living longer - well at least it's someone to take the trash out to the curb on a regular basis ;-p - by simply feeding him and making sure he goes to the doctor on a regular basis. And one cannot discount the companionship factor...
Crosmando: And? You seem to be running the exact same argument that people in relationships and married are inherently more "normal" and better than single people. Some people do not enjoy the "companionship" and prefer to spend their time doing things they want, alone. For some people having to interact face-to-face constantly with others is a psychologically (and physically) draining experience, and they would rather just be on their own. This isn't "abnormal" btw.

You also seem to be avoiding the point that getting married, having a family, is basically a life of it's own, the massive time it takes out of one's life due to responsibilities and the work it entails to support children, well you might as well just kiss your "life" goodbye.

Crosmando: I'm not interested in relationships or marriage, is that why? I posted my opinion in this thread, and you think I'm having a go at females? What part of my post exactly was a) off-topic to this thread, or b) anti-female ?
Well here is the thing, Crosmado - declining birthrates are bad for countries.Without children there is no one to replace older workers and support social systems yada..not going to do an economy lesson here. Married people tend to have less health issues - maybe it is because they encourage each other to go to the doctor and get regular check-ups or maybe it is because they insist on their partner getting out of the house to do stuff together which leads to better health in general - dunno. But it is a proven fact - couples, however you slice or dice them, tend to live longer.

But hey, I totally am cool with you not wanting to be in a relationship. More power to you. But then why are you posting in this thread? The guy is asking for help in finding a relationship - if you don't want one, don't need one then how is your opinion relevant? Why not just skip this thread altogether? You say that relationships are the root of all evil but can I just say that you would not exist without one? I mean I get it - for some a hermetic life is da'bomb but hermits don't post on game forums and they especially don't post in threads about relationships.

As to threads, it's more than the man hitting on that woman - and btw, he went way, way beyond "Hitting on you, haha". I mean "Hey, come over and see my etchings" is one thing but the core of it was that he used a totally female tactic to get information... "I'll do you if you give me what I want." That was creepy, Crosmado. Come on, admit it. And as far as I know, the woman in question did not publicly post the thread... she just shared it with a friend in a kind of "Is this kind of creepy or what" conversation. The friend felt it was sufficiently creepy and shared it with the world. Ultimately, I don't think this crap needs to go viral - we all make mistakes but this climate of "share ALL the things" sucks. And frankly the guy probably woke up the next day going "What the heck did I do last night?" and probably would have sent an deeply heart-felt apology. So I feel bad for both of them...this shit never, ever goes away. Ever.

The thing is, Crosmado, I'm female and I'm a forum member too. I try really hard to remember that this place is kind of special when I post. That it encompasses a huge, wide range of cultures, countries, at minimum two sexes and a whole boatload of differences in POV's... Sadly it's gotten to the point where I find myself automatically discounting anything you say anywhere on this forum because I feel like you have an agenda that is specifically targeted against women. And frankly that is kind of sad since I really, really try to keep an open mind to everyone. Anyway, just my opinion - and as my mother was wont to say "Opinions are like assholes - everyone has one". ;-p
iippo: well, you do right in NOT pursuing such persons.. When it comes to finding "the better part", it is better to wait a decade or even to rather than rush along just because someone wants to have relationship for sake of relationship..

Seriously, find the right person may take long or short time - but in either case its nothing to stress about.

Only way to "speed up" is to simply meet more people. Get hobbies for the sake of having good hobbies and you never know when you meet like minded interesting people.
hedwards: To an extent yes, but there reaches a point where waiting gets to be absurd. I didn't used to regret waiting, but now I'm in my mid 30s having literally had more marriage proposals than dates, and I do regret not having had the odd fling when I was younger, even if they didn't meet any reasonable standards.
Rejoice - these days its totally fine to have "odd fling" even if youre in your eighties :)

Anyways, if one wants to just date people that should be pretty feasible with internets + chats and everything. Depending on ones "standards" ofcourse.

But i really meant long time relationships.

I once thought i had found myself wings - but later discovered they were concrete boots instead. Ive not become pessimistic after that experience, but i did learn my lesson about diving into a relationship too deep too fast. ...not that its easy thing to do when youve "just met the right one" naturally ;)
Momo1991: Well since my husband makes me very, very happy, I actually want to make sure he sticks around for as long as is humanly possible! Might I say that some of his body parts are MOST excellent and I'd really, really miss them? ;-p

In my dreams, in my dreams... ;-)
Aveweto: that sounds so perverted, i like it :)
Hey, I am all for everyone making their wildest dreams come true - and an honest, healthy relationship breeds the kind of trust where that actually happens. Call it perverted if you like but I call it being really happy ;-p

See the thing is that most people hide their deepest desires from other people - and sadly the people they are closest to, for the most part. But how the heck is anyone going to realize their dreams if they never talk about them and get the support they need to make them come true? It's totally stupid, right? Whether it be some sexual fantasy or some business plan or some invention... dreams need verbalization to become reality. I mean not every dream is going to be amazing but if you don't try, you never know, if that makes any kind of sense.

For me that means a whole host of opportunities - yeah some of them are bedroom stuff which I am NOT going to share on this forum (;-D) but others are about seeing some amazing places in the world, learning to code and a lot of other education, and cooking great meals or trying new wines or even playing new genres of games. Without the encouragement of someone I trust, those things might not have happened and that is the saddest thing ever.

Hey, life is may not feel like it but it is. When we surround ourselves with people who encourage us to live life to its fullest extent, AND we do the same for them, life may (for many - not all) be a richer experience.
angrypole: I am just wondering what the percentage of goglodytes who have never been in a relationship. It seems like many of my friends have never had any kind of romantic life. I wonder if it something to do with us, or if you guys are in the same situation. I just turned 23 last week, and it seems like I am doomed. I don't know if it because of the way the media portrays it, but it seems pretty devastating if you let it get to you. I am not going to lie though, I am overweight, socially awkward and still in school (becoming a teacher). I just wonder that if in two years, when I have my bachelors degree, it will be too late to pursue a meaningful relationship. For example, I was just stood up today on a date to see the last showing of Gravity. It feels terrible to get that text that they are not going to be able to come, then having to respond to them the next day or whatever. I don't know what to do. I feel like moving to another country, where my social awkwardness is perceived less strongly. Mexican women seem like fantastic people and great cooks.


Are you a permavirgin?

Code for Zeno Clash (Steam)
TBH, 23 is rather soon to be "doomed." I mean heck, if I'm honest about it, I'm 33 and as far as I know I've never been on a date. Although women around here are so strange that I can't necessarily rule out the possibility that some of my female friends were more than friends. And that would explain why Sarah refuses to return any of my calls for reasons that I really don't get.

But, it's all a matter of figuring out how to get yourself introduced to the women that might be interested in you. Believe me, being perceived as highly attractive isn't all it's cracked up to be. It makes me seriously uncomfortable having women trying to compete with each other to get my attention and I still haven't been able to figure out how to deal with it. I don't like the idea of choosing one or the other, rejecting one of them without knowing who they are, and feeling like an ass if I approach both of them.

Ultimately though, the thing that holds me back more than anything else is that I'm so used to screwing things up, that I can't envision myself getting it right. I've got a pair of PMs in my various online profiles at the present, and I'm, quite frankly, terrified of opening them. I know for the first line that at least one of them is probably good news, but I'm so used to being single, that I'm not even sure what to do about it at the present.

The point here isn't to do a lot of whining, the point here is context. I'm a decade further down the line than you are, and I can still see the goal, even though for most of that time I thought I was pretty hopeless and doomed myself. It's just a question of figuring out which assumptions you need to reevaluate and which approaches need to be dropped in favor of something else.

Moving to another country might work, but if you're socially awkward in one country, you're going to be socially awkward in another, unless the awkwardness is a reaction to the norms of the society you're living in.
Don't worry, man. 3D printers will get cheaper and cheaper over time, and everybody will have a gf some day.

Some day.
Jesus went through life single, never had a woman. You don't need someone of the opposite sex to be happy and content. Millions get through life without it, and the majority, like me, look to God instead. What you need to do is keep your eyes focused on God and getting to the end of the tunnel where you can be happy. Being happy starts with you, if you cannot be happy being single, you cannot be happy with someone else.

God bless. :)

Don't give up man, there's only 7 years left to complete the quest for wizardy, don't get distractrected by frivolous desires.