Lou: Putting the Theological Argument aside:
And personal arguements! That means no "BUT IT'S TRADITION IT'S ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY EVEN THOUGH GREEK DUDES WERE BUTT FUCKIN MILLENIA AGO HERP DERP" arguements either. You need to prove it causes harm.
Lou: 1. Marriage is not whatever the law says it is. Marriage predates any law and is the fundamental institution of any civilization. Marriage has always been between a man and a woman for the purpose of reproduction and protecting and nurturing the next generation so that civilization can progress.
Legal marriage is what the law says it is. Marriage does not have to be about reproduction. Marriage is about entering into a semi-permanent union with someone, that's all. There are heterosexual couples who do not reproduce and their marriages are no less valid. The culture and traditions around it became irrelevant the second it became a legal construct.
No harm.
Lou: 2. Marriage is not just another way of recognizing people that love one another. If love and commitment were all that was necessary to define marriage then why deny marriage from a child and an adults who love each other or a man and his six wives who love each other.
Pedophilia is
harmful. Remember that post I made about laws being made to protect people from harm? Comparing a consentual homosexual relationship to pedophilia is ridiculous and invalidates this arguement.
Polygamy is a trickier issue. Gay marriage is about wanting the same rights; e.g., if your partner falls into a coma, and it's up to you to make a decision it shouldn't matter what gender you are. Changing the gender of one partner doesn't change that dynamic. Adding another one does; how do you split this responsibility across two people? Who gets first dibs? Are the wives tiered? Do they all get equal benefits? There are a lot of practical issues that need to be consideredn there.
But not with homosexuality. No harm, baby! Awww yeah!
3. Homosexuals are not denied the right to marry. They are just not allowed to marry each other. Just as Brothers and Sisters or polygamists.
Incest can be
harmful because you're playing Russian roulette with offspring. By comparison, first cousins can reproduce fairly safely and cousin marriage is legal in many places because it seems to cause negligible harm.
I've already covered polygamy.
No harm here either. Maybe it's taking a nap with all those WMDs?
4. Laws prohibiting same sex marriage are not unconstitutional or discriminatory. The anti-miscegenation laws that were intended to keep races apart were irrelevant to the fundamental purpose of marriage, bringing the two sexes together for the fundamental purpose of procreation. On the other hand same sex marriage proponents want to change the definition of marriage. Furthermore, skin color is a matter of birth and is an unchangeable characteristic, however sexual behavior is a matter of choice. If we are to start granting special rights based on behavioral choices then we can expect to see smokers, gamblers, drug users, and pedophiles claiming special rights to protect them from some unlawful discrimination.
Pedophilia is
harmful. Drug abuse is
harmful. Those are illegal because they
directly harm the people involved. Homosexuality does not.
Whether you like it or not, the purpose of marriage has changed. It is not what you think it is. Whether hetero or homo, many people want to get marriage just for the financial/legal/health benefits. If you want to argue that marriage should not deviate from cultural norms you cannot simultaneously argue that it should be a legal entity. You can't legislate culture.
No harm! 4-hit combo!
5. There is no valid scientific research verifying that homosexuality is an innate characteristic. Homosexuals choose their behavior.
Disagreeing with scientific research doesn't make it invalid and even if it is a "choice" that doesn't matter at all. But let me point out that there are significant neurophysiological differences between the brains of homosexual and hetero males, and evidence suggests that this is due to organizing and activating effects of the endocrine system during and after development.
M-M-M-M-ONSTER KILL KILL KILL kill. . . wait was that 5 kills?
6. 29 states have enacted constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman, and another 13 states have statutory bans. The majority do not agree that Homosexual marriage is right for this nation. Constitutional amendments were passed by a vote of the people not enacted into law by politicians.
Ahh, appealing to the majority.
If everyone decided to ban religion would that be alright? Whether or not people want gay marriage is irrelevant. You need to prove it causes harm, which you haven't.
If you have any
[NON RELIGIOUS NON-PERSONAL ARGUMENTS (e.g. not appealing to tradition or the majority and demonstrating that gay marriage would be harmful and not just that you dislike it) feel free to post them. Otherwise you're just spinning your wheels.
Edit: formatting