Starmaker: Waitwhat? You want 60000+ people who wanted a $99 console and donated money to have it made lose their money? You're an asshole.
mistermumbles: Hm. Should I feel offended now?
Nah! Seriously though, it's still a mighty gamble for an as-of-yet unproven product. Its chances of success are much smaller than its possible failure. Even more so than for first adopters of somewhat established new tech.
Failmongering is irrational and unethical. It's one thing to want a kickstarter
pledge drive to fail (because it feels scammy or otherwise undeserving), and quite another to wish
for an already crowdsourced enterprise to not deliver. As a TTRPG fan, I can assure everyone that most kickstarter TTRPGs are irredeemably awful, and I wish people spent their money on something more useful, like 30000% marked-up aluminum plates, magical jewelry, or Lore.
But once the pledge drive is successful, I do want people who paid for a collection of shitty houserules written by an illiterate prick in dire need of remedial math to actually receive their collection of shitty houserules written by an illiterate prick in dire need of remedial math, because once they have already spent their money, that's the best that can happen. (Except David A. Hill Jr. backers - those can, ahem,
live in a fire. Funding that guy's kickstarters is the TTRPG equivalent of donating to WBC.)