I'm in the US, and my bank switched their check card / visa card processor to a different outfit last January. Since then, if I try to make any purchases from GoG, my bank deactivates my card automatically as part of a fraud protection package I never actually signed up for. Called up my bank, asked if I could "whitelist" GoG purchases and retain the fraud protection; their answer: no. In essence, in order to purchase anything from GoG, I have to call my bank, deactivate all fraud protection, then make the purchase (the protection re-activates after an hour or something). Basically, after years of GoG purchases and building a nice big library, I haven't bought anything this year because it's frankly too big of a hassle to call my bank in advance of every purchase I make, especially since prime purchasing hours are on the weekend when my bank is closed. Very ticked but as far as I know there's nothing to be done since I'm not willing to switch banks just for GoG (as much as I love the service). I'm very wary of paypal, heard a lot of bad things...