overread: 85% of statistics on the net are made up, the other 33% are random guesses and of the final 2% of real statistics are based upon erroneous data gathering.
Roman5: In all seriousness though, most of their money is wasted on Massive ad Campaigns and Celebrities
Jesus, you ain't kidding. In the USA, where most adverts on cable average thirty seconds to a minute, PETA and World Wildlife Fund and ASPCA have adverts that run three to five minutes. Fifteen seconds of airtime is thousands of dollars alone on
local channels, so you can imagine how much it costs to pay for national broadcast coverage. And all they're comprised of are animals shot with wide-angle lenses in slow motion, set to Sarah McLaughlin or Alannis Morrisette or some shit. It pisses me off more than the ten minute adverts for the "Feed the Children" groups, where they get the kid to sit with his back to a wall in what's so obviously a sound stage and shed a few tears for the camera.
Anyway, I donated my two pints for this quarter, so I'm satisfied that I can say I "gave of myself" if I happen to pass a Salvation Army bellringer and don't have any pocket change. Those ungrateful jerks still owe me a new mailbox.