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The city needs YOU to enforce the law!

Urban Chaos, a dynamic adventure-brawler with an elaborate combat system and great replayability, is now available on for only $5.99.

Damn those Wildcats! That gang has been the bane of Union City for years, but now the gangbangers are more powerful than ever. They will stop at nothing in their attempts to seize control of the city, even if it burns to the ground in the process. Word on the streets is that their leader has been dealing with things no sane man should even consider. Dark things, which may be corrupting the city from the inside out. But there's a saying we had in the UNPD Academy: a good blow to the head puts all demons to bed.

Urban Chaos delivers solid fighting sequences in a varied, dynamic environment of a rioting city and wraps them up in an original storyline. You take control over two characters: a female law enforcement officer D'arci Stern or an ex-soldier vigilante Roper McIntyre, each of them with a unique fighting style. The 24 non-linear stages can be completed in various ways ranging from car chases, through shootouts, to hand-to-hand brawls. A day-night cycle, changing weather conditions, and random encounters will make every playthrough a unique experience!

Grab a baseball bat and enforce some law over the raging Urban Chaos, for only $5.99!

In other news: we'd like to announce that as of today, the time of our regular releases has been moved to 10:00AM GMT. That means you get to enjoy them one hour earlier in the day!
VERY good game, i never knew it came for the PC though. Wishlisted.
Yes, yes, yes! :D
Xaromir: VERY good game, i never knew it came for the PC though. Wishlisted.
Xaromir: VERY good game, i never knew it came for the PC though. Wishlisted.
On a personal note: I only played the PS1 version in the past and I was really pleasantly surprised by how well the PC version aged. I remember this game looking really nice on my friend's 14" TV back in 1999, but I didn't expect it to be so visually "fresh" on a modern PC.
Oooh I remember this one! It was loads of fun, but it got so difficult later on.

I'd gladly recommend it. Since I've lost my copy some time ago, I'll definitely be buying it from GOG.

Thanks for a great release!
Xaromir: VERY good game, i never knew it came for the PC though. Wishlisted.
G-Doc: On a personal note: I only played the PS1 version in the past and I was really pleasantly surprised by how well the PC version aged. I remember this game looking really nice on my friend's 14" TV back in 1999, but I didn't expect it to be so visually "fresh" on a modern PC.
Well, judging by the screenshots it does look old, but certainly not ugly, but the game always had a superb atmosphere, and i think that's what makes some old games look better than others.

On a somewhat related note (PS games and Square): Final Fantasy 7 and 8 also came out for the PC, only played the demo of the later and it had many bugs, but was otherwise acceptable. Many people don't know that either.
Ubivis: YEEEEESSSSS... Wishlisted, as I am a bit short at the moment (Windows 8, XCom, ... too much spent this month already).
What you paid for Windows 8, hmm. So how well do GOG or other games play on it, I'd heard some not great things about it from a certain game development studio.
I want this.
Oh bollocks. Instabuy.
There was even a thread about this game recently.
A third-person 3D brawler? Does that mean it's kinda-sorta like Godhand?
Wow, this game is really that old? I didn't recall the title, but it's all coming back to me now that I've looked at the screenshots. I wasn't interested in the game myself, but I recall it being reviewed in PC Gamer. It also had a distinct art style. I wonder if I played the demo? I think I was too young to get into it if I did.

For some reason I can't recall the review score, though. Weird, I have a knack for remembering that.
Post edited September 11, 2012 by Whitecroc
Ubivis: YEEEEESSSSS... Wishlisted, as I am a bit short at the moment (Windows 8, XCom, ... too much spent this month already).
deonast: What you paid for Windows 8, hmm. So how well do GOG or other games play on it, I'd heard some not great things about it from a certain game development studio.
Yes, I payed for it :)
Have not tried any games yet, as it is installed on a netbook, so might only play DosBox games, and those were quite fine in the developer preview edition.
Is this game good?Never heard of it.
Excellent game, awesome release, really enjoyable to play, city is pretty big also if my mind serves me well. Spent hours playing it back in the day, don't have it anymore though after loaning it to my brother for it never to return.

Wishlisted until i have some money as I have a few of those things called wife & kids that seem to just hemorage money on a daily basis!!

Unless someone is in a gifting mood will get it in a few weeks time :)

Thanks again GOG for a classic worthy game
Oooh, how lovely, now I can get rid of my not-quite-legal copy
Kaliosmasteris: Is this game good?Never heard of it.