crazy_dave: I've heard great things about Prague, enjoy your trip!
P.S. @Damuna, the thread title may be in reference to the older thread but that older thread was more for questions about culture etc just for general knowledge. Roman5 is asking specifically for travel information because he is visiting the country shortly. Thus there is also a time constraint and a very specific reason for his questions. Therefore it is entirely reasonable to start a new thread asking for travel advice since he wants the information quickly and therefore needs to display his queries prominently and not lost in some large thread. I think you were overly harsh on Roman5 in this instance.
@Gamerager, seriously? "on the rag"? Bitch may needlessly aggravate the situation, but regardless of what you think the phrase "on the rag" should apply to, it doesn't. And in this case it isn't even a matter of context, since the context you used it in is exactly the most offensive context possible. While bitch has become just another word for asshole, jerk, etc ... "on the rag" is offensive because of what it still means compounded upon its origins.
Please learn that while being overly politically correct certainly has drawbacks, simply dismissing other people's feelings or sensibilities as unimportant or trivial is not exercising some greater moral freedom against an overly sanitized language, it's simply sociopathic. Words and phrases should be understood not only in the context in which they are used, but also what they actually mean. You took a horribly offensive phrase and used it in exactly the wrong context to do so. Now I understand you and Damuna are not the best of friends, but leave this kind of diction at the exit from 4chan and with your buddies in real life. Regardless of how you may use phrases and words such as this, its meaning hasn't changed to anyone else and it's incredibly offensive origins are intrinsic to the phrase.
I think maybe you two should cool off, tempers seem a bit high. Remember these are forum personas. You're not face to face. Neither one of you is probably as bad as you'd like the other person to be. I'm not saying you should become best friends, but at the very least you should just start avoiding each other and ignoring each other's existence. It's fairly easy on a forum.
I was just about to post similar to Crazy Dave. Listen to him.