Posted April 13, 2010

each and every monster, human, elf, darkspawn WHATEVER scales to you and your party.
that's why the high dragon is a piece of cake. You trigger him during Ashes quest and can return much later in the game fighting a crippled low-lvl dragon and feel badass.
When you start a quest all the enemies are spawned at or around your level.
there is absolutely no place in the game where you can't own no matter what level you are. In other games at low level you don't even hit the enemy due to low dex, whatever, and are down in 1 second. that's what I am talking about.
Most other games spawn all enemies upon chapter-start, meaning - like in gothic - that you can advance to a certain part of the island, no problem. but everything there kills you if it even looks at you. Risen is another example. There is just nothing like this in DA:O
I liked DA but it's strength surely did NOT lie in its world, history or .... plot ... whatever that was...more like "best of past rpg cliche staples". DA excelled in the party banter and the 4 party combat-pause system. Everything else, design, environments, armor was so mediocre it hurt my eyes.
yeah..I hate that. ME had it and even tough i am level forty clearly doing 10 times as much damage as before and i have massive superpowers i still have problems with some robots on random mission. how the hell those robots didn't conquer galaxy yet? one of them would kill my whole party in the beginning of the game.
One of awards of leveling up is that feel of awesomeness of godhood.
In PS:T I remember a great moment.
In one building there were like 12 bandits. Each would be difficult to kill alone. 12 made it impossible. Tried maybe 10 times to kill them using massive amounts of potions, every spell. No good. team died i died.
Had to sneak past them and escape the location.
I came back to that place after 10-15 hours of gameplay. The fight didn't even last 10 seconds. Very nice slaughter.
Other example is action RPG Nox. Zombies were never big of a deal. but ten of them were a huge obstacle. an improve one, some superzombie, was even harder. 4 of them gave you a very nice fight.
at the end you slaughter them like pigs during Oktoberfest. It makes you worthy, you feel that you progressed from some little kid to walking the earth god.
Kotor didn't have scaling did it? It might have a little but at the end you were slaughtering everything and everyone without a problem and only bosses were a challenge.